Chapter 26: An interesting first day

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I woke up unable to move. Tessia was hugging me so tightly I thought I was going to suffocate. After I a little shaking I could finally get her to wake up. Thankfully, Regis woke me up in time. He seemed to like acting as my alarm clock.

After we both got up and I want back to my room to shower and get ready we both had to depart. Tess had to go to the council room, and I had to gather the DC. After a goodbye kiss we both went our separate ways exiting from separate doors.

I arrived at the DC office and despite my effort to get here early, I could hear talking inside. I opened the door and unsurprisingly got immediately licked in the face by Curtis's bond who recognized me instantly. This strange action from the world lion shocked the prankster behind him. It was Kai. I had expected to see him here after all the Crestless blood is an influential named blood in Vechor so it's not surprising Kiros sent him here to cause mayhem. After a few polite greetings we walked into the dc room. Or should I say I was dragged in by Doradrea who was also waiting at the door.

Curtis immediately walked up to me for a fist bump. Everyone was surprised by the fact that I knew the prince, but their attention quickly turned to the fact they still didn't know was the leader. After everyone was done with the introductions I finally decided to speak up.

"It's nice to meet you everyone, my name is Arthur Leywin A mid-yellow dual elemental augmenter with affinities of wind and fire, I have also unlocked both their deviants. I am also the leader of this little group."

At first some didn't want to believe it. Theo wanted to test me again and unsurprisingly I stood my ground. After a bit more convincing everyone finally accepted that I was the leader.

I did notice something odd however. There was still an empty seat.

'I really hope it's not the place of that treacherous bastard' Regis sent fuming.

As if only waiting for me to notice the seat the door flung open to reveal my old friend, his hair still showing signs of just having woken up.

"Nico, I should've expected to see you here." I said shaking his hand

"Of course, I'm here after all Note himself recommended me." He said with a smirk

After discussing the order in which we would walk onto the stage we decided to get going. Arriving behind the stage of the auditorium we saw the council standing there. Before I could say a single word Clive pulled me aside.

"Hey first year, I hope the president wasn't too hard on you." He said surprisingly considerate.

"Don't worry, she just told me to stay out of trouble, although that's going to be hard seeing as now it's my job to catch troublemakers." I said with a smile.

"All's well that ends well, but you should know that Nicolas was only suspended. He's oing to be back in a month, so just be careful." He said looking concerned.

"Thanks for the heads up."

We walked back to the others just in time for the announcement to begin after Tess finished her speech the DC walked out and did our job, look intimidating.

After this I had to go to my first class PMM...

2 hours later

'She got you again' Regis sent in my head.

'How could I end up being a professor for the third time damnit, anyways at least team tactics is going to be interesting.'

After getting to my class and talking with Curtis and Claire Vanesy arrived. She did the same thing as last time provoking the student against me. And thus we had another battle on our hands, however this time it wasn't Clive who suggested the DC vs SC... It was Cecil. So now we were in a 3 vs 3. Cutis, Claire, and me on the dc team, Clive, Tess and Cecil on the other.

It was hard deciding who I wanted to fight. I did know all of Tess's moves, but so did she know mine. Same with Cecil. But when Cecil openly challenged me even before the battle began I just couldn't refuse.

As the fight began Claire went to fight Clive and Curtis starting battling Tess. My fight with Cecil was different from the last. We both had to hold back and that lead us to merely use body augmentation and swordsmanship. We seemed on equal footing during the fight.

But I was the better swordsman.

In the end I outmaneuvered Cecil holding my sword to her neck making her surrender. I immediately went to help Curtis who was struggling visibly. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to practice what I taught him.

"Curtis work with me."

Knowing what my words meant we got ready.

Vanesy Glory POV

These kids surprised me. The two royals fought each other but the difference seemed obvious. The princess had the upper hand even in close-range even though she was not an augmenter. Their fighting styles looked awfully similar.

The fight between the Vice president and the Claire was also interesting. Despite being a sword user Claire could fight at longer ranges using a technique similar to her uncle's wind bullets although significantly weaker.

The last fight was the most interesting however. Neither of the two used any spells and were only fighting using their sword. After some time the difference became apparent. The Leywin boy just seemed more experienced and thus won the duel.

He immediately joined in to help the Prince and what I saw astonished me. They were working almost perfectly in sync. Not a single opening in sight. Needless to say they overwhelmed the princess who gave up.

By then the Bladeheart girl also defeated Clive.

This is going to be an interesting class this year

Nico POV

The first day was quite boring. Despite being a battle mage we didn't even fight. We only learned the rules of a duel and the proper proceedings for one. We then were forced to practice sword formations I knew for a fact were absolutely terrible. If Arthur saw them he would already be complaining about all the wasted movements and energy.

The only part I was looking forward to was lunch since then I could meet up with Cecil.

Finally the long awaited break came and we agreed to go to small booth that was on campus. They sold these things that reminded me of Hungarian lángos. I was always an international person so I tried making them once, but failed miserably. These were just perfect. We both enjoyed them to the fullest.

I really need to tell Arthur about this place.

After we parted ways I started my assigned patrol since I didn't have any more classes. As night fell I noticed strange movements. This made me realize that despite all of Arthur's efforts the radical group was forming again. Kai being here was already concerning, but this just about confirmed Draneeve's presence as well.

I could only hope Arthur could use his position as crown prince to his advantage. I decided to visit his room after I was done. I wanted to know what his plan was. I knocked and it took him a lot longer than it should to open the door. Suspicous.

After I walked in we started talking. His sound magic was really convenient at a time like this since we could make sure that no one would hear us. I explained to him what I saw and he filled me in on his plan.

He just wanted to wait and see. He told me Agrona didn't notice anything out of the ordinary on the other side, so there is nothing to be concerned about yet.

Just as we finished up I spotted movement in the corner of the room. Through a door that wasn't there just moments ago walked Tessia seemingly searching for Arthur.

I turned to my friend with a questioning look.

"Care to explain yourself?"


Well, hello there!

I am happy to see that people actually read these little notes so I'm going to continue making them!

I know the chapter is late. I'm sorry I got a bit distracted by youtube!

I hope everyone is excited how the school arc continues! Guesses are always welcome although I do doubt you could guess what is going to happen.

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow

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