Chapter 2: Bandits

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After trying to train my magic for a few months, my parents decided to take to me to Xyrus as they have before. The time of out departure lined up exactly like last time. That meant 2 things: we were going to get attacked by bandits again, but I could meet Sylvia and Tessia again.

On the day of departure, we woke up early. We made sure we had everything that was needed for the long journey ahead. After leaving our now rebuilt home, we met up with the twin horns. I was barely able to hold back my tears as I saw them approaching. Finally seeing them again after so long made me unbelievably happy. Angela took me into her signature hug, which Durden then saved me from just like the first time.

After the introductions we set off on our long journey. As we were leaving, I was already preparing for the bandit attack. The main problem was that I still needed to fall of the cliff. So, I decided not to change much of the attack. I would subtly help in healing my father and Regis would intervene as soon as something bad would happen.

The time of the attack came. Just as I have before I stayed with my mother until my father told me to take her and run. The mage who knocked me off the cliff was still alive and hidden. And as expected just as we were running away, he fired at his boss's orders. I pushed Mom out of the way and formed a mana string that grabbed the attacker. And then as I fell and hit the ground the world went to dark.

When I woke up I was delighted to hear Regis's voice in my head.

'Good morning, Father.' He said mockingly.

'How long was I out for?'

'No more than 2 hours, and your wounds are already healed.' Came the answer.

'Oh, I see you have woken up child.' Came another voice in my head, a voice I would recognize anywhere.

Not long after I arrived in Sylvia's Lair.

"Welcome Child!" said the towering creature who bore a striking resemblance to Agrona himself.

"Hello Grandma Sylvia." I answered smiling.

"Child, How do you know my name?" she asked startled.

"We have met before, although not in this timeline." I said as I began my explanation of the situation. After what felt like hours, I finally reached the end of my tale and waited for Sylvia's reaction.

"You truly went through a lot to get here." She finally said.

"You believe me?"

"You have no reason to lie and your asuran body just confirms the story you have told me. I also took the liberty of looking at your memories while you talked, so yes I wholeheartedly believe you, my Child" she said looking at me with kind eyes.

"But it seems despite living 2 lives already there are still things I can teach you. Like how to utilize your asuran body to its fullest extent.

Reynolds POV

After Arthur's sacrifice Alice broke. She was crying non-stop for hours until she finally fell asleep in my arms. I was also broken by what happened. My son not only saved his mother while I couldn't, he did it by sacrificing himself while taking their attacker down with him.

Understandably the moral of the entire group was gone after the attack. But we couldn't just turn back. Vincent was already waiting for us in Xyrus and we also had to think about our second child. So we tried our best to stay alive until we got to Xyrus.

Once there, Vincent greeted us at the front door.

"Rey, Alice you finally arrived" he said cheerfully. "But Where is the son you told me about over the scroll?"

When he saw our expressions, he immediately knew something happened.

"Rey what happened?" He asked coming closer

"Arthur is gone. He sacrificed himself to save me." Alice said tears streaming down her face.

"That can't be true!" Vincent said looking at me, as if waiting to confirm my wife story.

"She's telling the truth. Our son is gone, forever." I said, barely keeping it together myself. After we somewhat calmed down Vincent took us inside to a well decorated room that was probably used for meetings.

"Alice, Rey would you like to wait for my family or do you want to just rest?" he asked in a kind voice.

"I think meeting them could make us feel at least a little better." I answered.

"Then wait just a moment."

After around 10 minutes the door to the room opened. Vincent and 3 others walked through.

"Alice I would like to introduce my wife Tabitha, Rey has already met her." Vincent said gesturing to his side.

"Alice, Rey I'm so sorry for what happened." She said with a sad expression on her face.

"Don't be sorry, that won't bring him back" Alice said barely looking up at her.

"Now then I would like to introduce you to my daughters." Vincent said probably trying to lighten the mood.

"First my eldest daughter Lilia" older girl behind Vincent shyly waved at us. She was maybe a year older than Arthur was.

Lastly, he pointed at the young dark brown-haired girl behind him." And she is my younger daughter, Cecilia."


Hey there!
Seeing as both the first and second chapters are pretty short, I decided to publish both of them today. The upcoming chapters are going to be considerably longer than the first two.

Also just so you guys know the first 4 chapters were written very late at night, like in one sitting from 1 AM to 4 AM so if there are any mistakes I am going to blame my tired brain. Of course if you notice any mistakes I would be happy to correct them!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed.

This has been Salty and see you tomorrow!

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