Chapter 36: True Terror

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Curtis POV

We haven't seen Kai for days now. He didn't even show up to the emergency meeting. It was weird, I always knew him to be someone who took his duties very seriously. These were the thoughts running through my mind as we patrolled together. I knew there was a chance of a coordinated attack, but would it really be bad enough that all of us needed to be together? And were we really that much weaker than Arthur and the two girls? I felt the new girl's aura, but was she truly that strong? If she was, why would she come to the academy?

Just as I wanted to ask the others this question a red barrier enveloped the sky. We suddenly heard cries of beasts from all around us and could see students running for their lives. We quickly tried to help them, but we were already surrounded by masked figures.

As they attacked, I could tell that we still had the advantage. Despite them having those strange runes somehow, we could still keep up with them. That was until Lucas showed up.

He was different from the rest. The aura he had felt similar to that girl's. His strength was increased significantly from what I heard about him and we all knew he was this group's leader. He changed a lot in looks. His skin became ashen grey which only emphasized the scars on his face. His hair became more faint and he had runes much brighter than the others.

He changed the tide of the battle just by being here. His spells were far more powerful than we expected. But if we worked together we could keep up. We decided to split the group, having Claire, Kathlyn, Theo and Me draw Lucas away while Feyrith and Doradrea delt with the cannon fodder.

Our plan seemed to be working. As we pushed the robed figures aside Lucas followed after us. Whenever he attacked Kathlyn created an ice barrier that was able to stop at least one attack. Whenever there was an opening everyone else attacked. But this was not enough. Neither side could get even a single hit in, but it seemed that our stamina was running out faster than his. But even than what I felt was unexpected. I had more energy than before, my body was stronger than ever before and by a significant margin. I couldn't explain how, I just felt it.

Despite my predictions we could keep up with Lucas for quite a while, but than we heard an ominous voice call everyone to the clocktower, and just as we looked away for a moment our foe was gone. Confused and having no better options we proceeded to the tower which was also covered in a barrier. Behind it we saw a man dressed in what looked to be royal clothes wearing an ominous mask and holding a bloody bag.

He began a speech about how cruel his home was to the weak and how we were lucky to be chosen by his lord to be given an opportunity to reach heights previously unimaginable, but we had to get rid of the infestation first. That was when he opened the bag and threw its contents on the ground. My heart sank at sight of our fellow dc member's decapitated head.

Before anyone could do a single thing, an ungodly roar could be heard. Tuning towards its source I saw Arthur, or well Regis in his second phase. Despite what just happened his eyes were glued to the sky and following his line of sight I could see a shadowy figure levitating just above.


"What has you worked up so much little puppy? Are you searching for the princess perhaps?" the man responded a smirk on his face. "Draneeve, I believe it's time for the main attraction."

At his words the the door to the tower opened and outwalked cloaked figures dragging efls and dwarves alike. Two faces stood out amongst them. Feyrith, and the last one in the line dragged by Lucas: Princess Tessia.

Regis immediately started running towards the barrier before the man called Richmal and another horned woman interjected him. He fought against them by the looks easily overpowering them up until we heard a scream from the direction of the prisoners. Turning our attention towards the source of the sound I saw something I never expected. Lucas seemingly kept in place by an invisible force, his face showing signs of immeasurable pain. Then I noticed something. A single finger of the princess was pressing against his thigh.

Not even ten seconds later Lucas's veins started bulging more and more before they burst revealing vines inside. The boy could only let out a scream that was quickly cut short as he himself become a blood covered tree. Tessia had filled his veins with vines before expanding them until they killed her captor. She quickly stood up and started attacking the other robed figures around her. They were no match for her, but Draneeve's presence quickly seemed to change that.

The barrier seemed to falter giving Theo the opportunity to run inside. He quickly attacked the masked man from behind, but he suddenly went up in flames. His charred body falling next to his love's head. All the while Regis had taken down his female opponent and was seemingly overpowering the other.

Suddenly a pressure like I've never felt before bore down on the academy ground. Struggling to move I loved towards the sky and saw three figures flying. On the left was a girl with black hair crimson eyes and horns that resembled a deer's. On the right was a boy I had no trouble recognizing: Nico Knight. And in the middle radiating an aura of fury and pure strength flew Arthur. He was wearing his mask and signature armor, His wings spread behind his back, but there was one unexpected thing. The sharp obsidian horns sprouting from the sides of his head. His voice roared with more authority than any ruler's on this continent.

"Enough!" He said, sounding calm and commanding. But the air around him still raged.

Suddenly the girl flew towards Richmal with speed I could barely see. By the time my eyes reached where they were the man was already unconscious. Looking back to the other two I saw Nico raise a hand. Suddenly black spikes shot from the ground and immobilized all robed figures. I quickly looked to my right seeing movement just from to corner off my eyes. I could only see the terrified face of Kai as he vanished into a portal leaving behind anvil like artifact.

Next up happened something I could never have believed. As Arthur raised his hand his eyes showed unbreakable focus. A golden glow enveloped the whole Academy and people who were injured began rising. Even more fascinating, People I've seen get ripped to shreds by beats were being put back together.

Looking towards Theo I saw him laying exactly where he was just moments ago, but this time completely uninjured merely unconscious. And Doradrea's head was nowhere to be seen. Students dead moments ago where on the ground merely passed out. But the attackers who were killed didn't rise, he exempted them.

Before I could mutter even a single word, the attackers suddenly vanished in a flash of amethyst lightning.

And with that the attack ended.


Well, hello there!

I am really curious what you thought if this chapter. This entrance was one of the major story moments I have had planned from before even releasing chapter 1. Strangely another of those points Is coming in the next few chapters.

There are going to be changes in my personal life. My work is once again going to change. My work hours are going to be reduced from 8 to 6. This means less money, but more time to write!

By the time this chapter releases I believe we have reached 20 000 reads! This is a milestone I wouldn't have thought I would ever reach so I want to thank you all!
I did promise a video explaining some thing about SA at 10k, but as you can all see I am a bit late with that. But I am making one for 20!

So if you have any questions about SA or me just ask them here!

There are also going to be 2 big announcements in the video concerning two upcoming projects of mine so I believe it's going to be worth a watch!
Do not expect it in the upcoming week or 2 as I still have to order the large framed cover.

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow!

Thank you all so much for 20k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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