Chapter 24: Under the city

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"I was. But now I am Noah Erdal and I wouldn't have it any other way." He responded confidence in his voice.

I looked to my parents who were seemingly a little disappointed in me. I quickly moved on to the next subject.

"How did you two meet?"

"A few days after the teacher announced the interracial exchange program Ellie arrived in our class. Everyone welcomed her with open arms, but I felt she was familiar. I only realized after I got home that mom had been telling me about the prince's little sister in the castle. Who looked exactly alike. So the next day I asked her and she confirmed that she's indeed your sister and does in fact live in the castle. The exchange program was just being used to make school more convenient. After that we got to know each other and 2 months later started going out."

"That's over 4 months ago then. Ellie why didn't you tell us about him earlier?" Dad asked looking at Ellie uspiciously.

She explained how she was scared what we would do to Noah had we found out earlier and was still scared for him, but didn't want to keep us in the dark for long. Apparently Captain Erdal has known about them for 3 months. She even covered for Ellie a few times when she had dates with Noah.

"I do think you're a bit too young to date..." As I was about to continue I saw the looks on everyone's faces." What?"

"Son... Tessia was 6 when the 2 of you got engaged. You were 5. Ellie is 8. I think compared to you this situation is entirely reasonable."

"That's a fair point... But still I think—" I was once again interrupted, but this time by my two way communication scroll. The name on it surprised me, so I excused myself from the room.

Ellie POV

I was nervous bringing Noah to the castle. I was obviously afraid my parents wouldn't like him, but my main concern was my brother. He always kept boys purposely away from me and if he knew I was dating someone I don't think their identity would've mattered to him.

After we started talking, I was surprised that my brother knew of Noah former family. His questions were a bit insensitive, but I think he was just trying to make sure Noah was someone fit for me.

After a funny situation brought on by him criticizing our age and then his own relationship being mentioned by dad, he excused himself when a communication scroll appeared.

After he left the interrogation continued although a lot less serious. We agreed that Noah would stay for dinner before going home with his mom who finished her gueard duties a few hours from now.

Just as we were about to leave for the dining room, my brother returned.

"Noah, would you mind coming with me for a bit?" he asked with a smile.

I wanted to stop Noah fearing what Arthur would do to him but eager to please Arthur he instantly accepted. Then a portal opened behind them and they were gone.

Please return alive.

Arthur POV

We arrived at the near the appointed place 15 minutes before the meeting time. As we arrived I told Noah to wait behind a boulder and not to move until I called on him. I explained how I was going to hide him with illusions until then just in case. Just as I finished telling him what to do I felt A signature take off in the city above. I signaled for Noah to hide and activated my illusions, while watching the edges of Xyrus for the approaching man. Not a minute later Bairon landed in front of me and knelt.

"Prince Arthur."

"First of all, stand up, second, I told you to drop the prince. If you don't consider us friends, you can just say it." I said acting hurt.

"Oh I'm sorry, it's just that old habits die hard." He said rubbing the back of his head after standing up. "But I do want to get to our main topic since I don't have a lot of time. I overheard my father planning a new war against the elves."

My eyes went wide at this statement. I knew the Wykes family got their status during the war, but starting another would be reckless. The only other reason could be someone promising them a new opportunity...

"Also heard that there was someone else promising a huge number of highly trained soldiers for the cause." Bairon said confirming my thoughts

'I only know one bastard who would do this.' Regis said from inside my head.


"I would ordinarily want to prevent anything like that from happening, but I don't think your word would be enough proof to convict them..." I said stating to think.

"I'm not telling you this because I want to use your influence to prevent it. I'm telling you because I think you're going to be in danger. I think they want to use you as a catalyst."

Now it made sense. The sovereigns didn't know my identity here in Dicathen but they know that the territory concerns me. Kiros wants to make me and by association Agrona, look bad in front of the others by inciting a war in Dicathen.

'If the bastard wants to play then let's play'

'Well said Regis, well said.' I sent back to my companion. "Thanks for the heads up then. Anyways as I told you I also have something to show you."

I could see the confusion in the Lance's face. I signaled for Noah to come out and disabled my illusion. When the boy started approaching I saw a mix of emotions in his face. Happiness from seeing the only person who saw him as family from his old one and fear of having to go back there.

Bairon pulled the boy into a hug without hesitation. For minutes they just cried into each other's shoulder. They didn't notice the person who stated watching us from a distance.

The two brothers started talking about what happened. Bairon was visibly happy that Noah found himself a family that loved him and promised him that he would never take him from his new mother. After some time Bairon asked me how I found him.

"Well he kind of just walked into the castle.... While holding my sister's hand" I could see the surprise on the lance's face. "Apparently they've been dating for a few months."

"You didn't bring him here for me to say my final goodbyes, right?" At the lances words I could see Noah grow pale.

"I won't hurt the boy as long as he makes my sister happy." I said putting my hand up in the air. "But I do think it is time we all return to where we're supposed to be since my family is waiting for us at the dinner table. Also the fact that Varay has been here for the last 10 minutes probably means your time is also up." I said looking towards the lance leaning against a rock 30 meters away.

"Varay, I can explain!" Bairon said turning towards his colleague before she interrupted him.

"Don't worry Bairon. I won't tell anyone. I saw enough of the situation to put together what I need to know." She said walking towards us. "But the prince is right we do need to get going, so say you goodbyes for now."

Bairon hugged his brother one last time before turning to me.

"Arthur, I have a request. Please, train Noah. I know he wants to be powerful and I know you can help him just like you are helping me." Before he could continue I responded.

"Do you really think I wasn't going to train my sister's boyfriend? If so you're sorely mistaken."

"Thank you Arthur." He said before flying away. I merely waved at the two lances before opening the portal back to the castle. I had a dinner to attend.

But more importantly I had a new stage to achieve.



Well, hello there!

I hope you guys like this chapter! I don't really have anything to say today other then that tomorrow I am going to become the Airsoft Priest once again! 

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow!

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