Chapter 28: Girl's night

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I thought over the past few weeks as I arrived in Taegrin Caelum. Tessia has made friends with most dc members and I have also established a friend group which includes: Nico, Curtis, Theo, Feyfey, Jarrod and surprisingly Clive.

Lucas has also started attending the Academy although a week late. He has been recovering from injuries that he got while adventuring. Well, at least that's what he told everyone. I knew the truth however, and the unmistakable scar across his face signified that I was correct. That scar could only have been left by lightning magic.

I came to Agrona's castle to finally pick up Sylvie for her to spend at least a few days with me and Tess. As I approached Agrona's room I could hear Sylvie voice from inside.

I opened the door just to be greeted by my daughter tackling me to the ground. After she finally got of me I shook Agrona's hand and after a short conversation about the current state of the continent and the conversations that have happened between the two continent I left with Sylvie.

Arriving back in my room I heard voices from Tess's. Regis quickly informed me that they were having a Girl's night, so I decided to listen in.

This is going to be interesting.

Tessia POV

"Now that everyone is settled down we should get to the real topic of today." Claire declared "Crushes."

"So this is the kind of night this is going to be." I noted calmly. "Well I think mine is pretty obvious since I'm engaged so why don't we start with someone else."

"Wait. Do you really like Note?" Claire asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked realizing the ones who didn't know our story namely Kathyln and Claire, probably thought it was arranged by our parents.

I decided to tell them the story of how we met. I obviously changed how I mentioned his looks to his 'Princely form', but other that that and leaving out his family name I told them the whole story. About how I ran away after my parents couldn't understand my troubles with all the fake friends that got close to me just because of my status, and how I was captured.

I told them how terrified I was to never be able to see my family and home again, until I was saved by a boy with a black wolf. I started telling our journey back to Elenoir before being interrupted.

"That's not how I remember that, mother." I heard Regis's voice from the corner of my room.

Turning towards him I saw that he had just exited a portal with Sylvie riding on his back. It was a weirdly cute sight. I suddenly felt spells being formed behind me. I turned to see Kath and Claire ready to attack while Cecil and Lilia just sat there watching the situation unfold.

"Guys calm down! They're not enemies!" I said calming the two down. When the spells canceled Sylvie ran to me and hugged me.

"Mama, I'm back!" she said smiling in my arms.

"Wait a moment? Did they just call you their Mother?" Kath asked showing the rarely seen emotion on her face. I saw surprise in her eyes.

I decided I trusted them enough to reveal at least some things to them.

"Don't get weird ideas. Despite her looks Sylvie is not human. She's a dragon. She hatched not long after I got engaged to Arthur, or well maybe calling him Note is going to make this less confusing." I started my explanation "Regis considers Note his Father and by extension that makes me his mother. And since Sylvie hatched after we got engaged it came naturally to her that if her bond was her 'papa' then his fiancé was her 'mama'. And so they've been calling me their parent for a good while and to be honest It makes me pretty happy. But enough about me, let's get back to our original topic." I said finishing up.

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