Chapter 22: Loyalty

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In 8 hours I am going to be diving into Dire Tombs and yet here I am standing on top of a building on the shores of Etril dominion. I didn't want to reveal myself to the crew of the Dicatheous. My looks are different enough, but it's still better to be cautions.

We decided to send out to retainers to start looking for the ship around the time it should be arriving. Not long after Cylrit spotted the ship a few hours from shore. The sovereigns decided to have Agrona, Exeges the sovereign of Etril, Seris and Cylrit greet them, while I watch from a distance.

As soon as the ship arrived the dock workers brought them food and drinks as greetings. Everyone sat down at the large table that was prepared beforehand. After a lengthy conversation the captain pulled out a scroll.

"Virion Eralith"

"Whatever could you want from me captain at 1 am?" Gramps asked from the other side. It was obvious he was woken up by the scroll.

"Elder, we have landed in the other continent and established contact with it's leaders. Their High Sovereign, the person at the very top would like to have a conversation with the council."

Gramos agreed to hold the meeting 7 hours from now. That would make it 9 pm in Etril and 8pm in Central.

The call ended after they agreed on the time and the crew was brought to their loggings and I we discussed how we are going to proceed. We decided to connect a portal in Teagrin Caelum to a Dicathen portal that's going to be guarded by soldiers from both sides. We decided beforehand since I won't be able to attend the intercontinental meeting because of the dungeon dive.

After the meeting ended Uto approached me.

"Sovereign Grey. I heard that Sovereign Kiros believes you are unworthy of you position. I would like to test if he's correct." He said, his voice respectful but still threatening.

"Are you challenging me Retainer Uto?" I asked releasing some of my aura.

"I know I don't stand a chance against you my lord I'm just curious of the actual difference."

"Well I don't mind. I still have a few hours free."


We got ready to fight in Taegrin Caelum's training arena. Thanks to the local teleportation gates we go here in no more than 10 minutes from the shore.

Interestingly even though most sovereigns and scythes were present I didn't see the 2 I expected to be here the most. Sovereign Kiros and Scythe Dragoth.

I decided to focus on my Vritra deviants during the fight since I have yet to master them and I could probably still beat Uto just by the pure difference in power.

The moment Agrona signalled the start of the fight Uto shot towards me spikes already rising ready to impale me. I just cancelled his spells before launching my own spikes already coated in poison towards him.

After just barely evading my attack Uto threw his robes to the side trying to take advantage of the shadows his piercing's cast, but I used that very moment to launch a huge blast of Soul Fire at him. He was unable to evade and thus I won the fight.

After quickly healing the retainer he quietly called me aside into the dressing rooms next to the arena. There he did something I never expected. He kneeled before me before telling me something I did not expect.

"Sovereign Grey, I swear my undying loyalty to. To me strength is everything and you have shown me how far above even Sovereign Kiros you are. Though I may still be Dragoth's Retainer And Kiros's disciple, I want you to consider me a weapon ready to act at your every word."

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