Chapter 27: Father vs Son

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Arthur POV

After we explained the situation to Nico he couldn't stop laughing.

"So the Director tricked the two of you into basically living in the same room?"

"She did, but thankfully there are measures in place for it to go unnoticed."

I started explaining to Nico how to rooms work. There are a few spell stones placed around. I needed to charge them with sound magic so it enhanced knocking and the illusion masking the door could work. Otherwise we only have to pay attention to leaving and entering the correct room.

After I was done Nico pulled me aside telling me about a place on campus he and Cecil went to not too long ago. It had Lángos... I had to go there!

Today set out to be a pretty normal day. It began with me holding PMM which went smoothly after scaring a few students who acted up using my aura. The rest of my classes were pretty uneventful and as they came to an end I went to the Dc office for today's meeting.

The report went as expected. Racism was still prevalent. What duprised me the most was a graffiti Claire found. It was a my Note mask painted on the wall crossed out with red paint and 'Traitorous scum' written next to it. How kind.

After the meeting I decided to take time to patrol and good thing I did. I caught multiple groups of students attacking elves or dwarves. In the end I didn't spot any members of the redical group, but I may be a bit too early for that.

As I finished my patrol I got 2 Lángoses at the place Nico told me about. As I went back to the dorms I was excited to spend some time with Tess. As I arrived in my room I approached our secret door and opened it. Tess was sitting at her desk looking over some documents. She was excited to see me and was happy I even brought food.

The next days were quite similar. Nothing much happened while our first month in the academy passed. I found myself growing friendships I didn't last time. Most surprising of all was Clive.

Despite being a rule following and strict guy in front of most, if you got him to open up he was a pretty normal teen. This time around his crush on Tess didn't exist so it didn't give us a reason to compete. Most of our talks were about magic and more specifically wind magic. He was very interested in my sound deviant as he hoped to unlock it one day.

Tess also grew close to a lot of the girls in both the DC and SC. She had ben excused from some of her classes since Gramps thought she was finally ready for her beast will. She was close to getting into silver stage thanks to me being so close to her most of the time. The time I would've normally spent meditating was used to help Tess assimilate since having achieved integration even before starting school meditation became unnecessary.

I sat there next to Tess when suddenly an idea come to mind. A way to make my students pay more attention to my classes.

Kathyln POV

My first class od the day was PMM. Based on the last class it is going to turn out to be one of my most interesting classes, Arthur was holding it after all.

As I walked into the classroom I sat down next to Feyrith who arrived before me. The room slowly filled up with students and then the bell rang. Moments later Arthur walked into the room and stood in front of everyone next to his desk.

"Listen here! Today I have something interesting to show you all. I pulled a few strings and got someone who is going to help me show a real fight to you all." He said his attitude a little different from the his usual. He seemed exited.

I wondered who could the person he brought be. After all not many people under the rank of Lance would make him take a fight seriously based on what I had seen. But the lances were pretty busy lately. I could only think of one other person. Before I could finish my train of thought he spoke again.

"I would like all of you to welcome: The SS rank adventurer, who also happens to be the Prince of Elenoir, Note!"

As he finished the entrance opened to reveal the Prince who stood there in his signature black and gold armor with the white mask hiding his face. But I could still tell it really was him. Not only were his signature golden, beast-like eyes still visible but the aura he had told everyone here that they were dealing with the real deal.

The room stayed silent as the two Arthurs shook each other's a hand and then took stances at the opposite ends of the field. Suddenly a purplish barrier surrounded the large battling area.

They both nodded signaling the beginning of the duel. The dc leader pulled out his beautiful teal sword, while his opponent summoned a shimmering amethyst blade.

They began the duel using only swords. I could tell there bodies were augmented, because of the power each blow had behind it. Almost every time their blades touched the room shook. Their speed increased gradually testing each other's limits. Suddenly I saw my brother's friend utter these words: 'Phase One'.

His hand suddenly got enveloped by a black shadow and he grew amethyst claws similar to the Prince's sword. His opponent was not expecting a sudden claw attack but could still push him away with wind magic.

"I wasn't expecting that!" Note said sounding impressed.

"I'M JUST GETTING STARTED!" Our Professor shouted with an uncharacteristic grin. "Phase Two: Majestic Wolf!"

The next moment Arthur's entire body was enveloped in the same shadow. His eyes turned pure yellow and the shadow made his face resemble a wolf's. his once auburn hair was now burning with amethyst flames. This was the moment I realized what beast his will belonged to. The same type of beast Note was bonded with. That's why he was the perfect opponent.

The newly transformed Arthur wasted no time attacking. He charged at his opponent at a break neck speed. The prince continuously evaded his claw and bite attacks when suddenly the fire burning where Arthur's hair should be flared up and enveloped both of them in purple flames. But by the time it would have started burning the adventurer he was already halfway across the room purple lightning around him.

"It's time we finished this." He said disappearing once more.

The next moment his blade was at the beast tamer's neck signaling his victory.

Arthur POV

This fight held more surprises than I thought. After some experimenting last night we found out that Regis's will worked very differently than every other beast will. The reason for that was probably the fact that he lacked a beast core. After Tess fell asleep we started experimenting with some clones in the other room. It turned out the clone Regis inhibited gained abilities closely resembling a beast will. That was when my plan solidified.

I told Regis that today's class is going consist of a duel. Between my two selves. One of them obviously being him.

This was useful for two reasons. Solidifying that we were two entirely different people and showing the school that the leader or the DC was not someone to be taken lightly. Thankfully I didn't need Regis inhabiting a clone to use these abilities if he was in my core I could also use him like a beast will.

As our duel concluded I could feel his disappointment through our mental link.

'Regis, this is the first time you fought in a human body and this will thing is still just an experiment. You'll get used to it.' I consoled him.

'Thanks Father, I needed that.' he sent back standing up and tuning towards the class. "This was all for today. Your homework is reading up on beast wills and how a mage assimilates with them. Don't think of this as a lot of work. Just knowing the basic information is going to be sufficient. Class dismissed."


Well, hello there!

Did you expect an Arthur vs Regis fight? or an Arthur vs Arthur fight? Didn't think so.

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, it was a lot of fun to write.

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow!

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