The Game I Love...

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Hero's Point of View...

"Friends and you all are being invited to the semifinals between Maverick High and Cold City High. Two teams are battling tonight to claim their spot in the finals of this year's National Inter-School Basketball Championship."

The stadium is filled with people. Basketball for the people of Maverick City, North Carolina means everything. It's more like people living in Maverick city, living for basketball. It's been 18 years since Maverick High has ever reached the finals of the National Inter-School Basketball Championship and this year, everyone has their hopes high, on one person in particular. Hero Fiennes Tiffin.

Hero is the Point Guard for Maverick High and has single-handedly made his team reach the semifinals this year. Everyone knows that after his high school gets over, he will be picked by NBA. And, because of him, the Maverick City, will get famous.

The stadium roars as Hero and his teammates enter the stadium and take the center court.

"Finally, we can see our team, Dane. What do you say, by what margin are we winning tonight?"

"You know, I just want them to win. Honestly, I am in my 40's now, Rick, I haven't seen our team in the finals over the last 18 years."

"Yes...Yes. You are correct. They should win tonight. It's Hero's final year before he graduates, and we know our boy is going to the NBA, but, before he does, I want him to give us the Championship title. Who knows, how many more years it will take for us to reach so far."

"Dane, I agree with you. Now, let's welcome our guest team, Cold City High everyone."

The stadium cheers as Cold City High takes the Center Court and joins the players of Maverick High.

"Ok, fellas.. let's see who wins tonight."

The referee comes into the center, joined by Hero and Adams from Cold City, and throws the ball up in the air Hero like an expert jumps high and taps the ball for his team. The game begins.

Hero runs to his teammate, Rey, who passes him the ball, and Hero dunks the ball for a 2-Pointer, making his team, Maverick City, officially open on the scoreboard.

The match continues. It's almost halftime. Maverick City is still ahead by 6 points, when Adam, the point guard, and star player from Cold City steals the ball from one of Maverick City's players and shoots it for a 3-pointer, thus reducing the difference to only 3 points. The referee signals half time and all the players separate and go to their respective sides.

Hero and his teammates take their seats when their coach, Mr. Miller joins them.

"Ok team. I am happy by the way you all have been playing tonight but we are only leading by 3 points. We are at 63 and Cold City is at 60. Now, I don't care how many points we have on board, all I care about is that when we hit bed tonight, we have a smile on our faces and satisfaction inside. I want us to win, but most importantly I want you all to remember that this moment is all we got. It's tonight, once it's gone, it will never come back to us. Now, go in there, you all, and play this game like today is the final. Maverick."

!!!Team Maverick..!!!

All the players say in unison. The referee blows his whistle, letting everyone know that halftime is over. All the players stand up from their seats and begin to walk toward the Court when Hero's coach calls him.

"Hero..a word."

Hero stumbles a bit and quickly jogs towards his coach.

"Yes, Coach."

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