Face Off...Part-3

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Lucas's Point of View...

I stop my car as I reach the address that was messaged to me by our coach. I looked around for a proper parking spot but couldn't find one. The parking area is already filled with cars, so, I guess most of the team has already arrived. So much to arrive early. I drive my car to a small area of parking underneath a tree that was still vacant. I park my car as much as possible considering the available area is less. Once done, I stop the car ignition and walk out towards the field. I can already see my teammates, all dressed in their respective training attire.  As I come closer to the court, I can see a tall man, who might be in his middle 30s, passing the ball from one player to another. Looking at him, it's easy to guess, that's our basketball coach.

As I enter the court area, almost immediately, I can sense everyone's attention on me. The man who I consider to be our coach smiles at me and lowers the ball he was holding and puts it down on the court floor made up of rock and cement.

He walks toward me and I close the distance between us by walking toward him and the rest of the team. Once close enough, the tall man pats my back and shouts.

"Listen up...everybody. He is your new teammate. Please welcome everyone..Lucas Tiffin."

Everyone, except some of the players, starts to clap as a gesture to welcome me to their team. As mentioned, except for some of the players. These are the players who stand behind me and just kept on looking at me.

"Lucas, my name is Austin Miller and I will be your coach. Let's make you meet with our team captain."

I just nod, not knowing what's about to come. And then our coach shouts the name, I was hoping to not hear it for the rest of my 11 months of stay in this town.

"Hero come here and welcome Lucas to your team," and then I see, a tall yet muscular boy walking to the center court from the back. As he comes closer, I can see the genetic similarities between us. Same eye color and the same texture of hair. He looks so much like our father.

And, with a final couple of steps, Hero finally comes and stands in front of me, facing me for the first time. As Hero. As my brother. We did meet before when he tried to run me over with his car. But that meeting was different as at that time he only considered me a poor kid who was not allowed to walk the streets he drives his car, but, this time we are introduced officially with our full names. Tiffin is the common name we both share. Two brothers from the same father but different mothers.

"Lucas this is Hero Fiennes Tiffin, our star player and the captain of this team. And, Hero, he is your new teammate. Lucas Tiffin. Common, shake your hands you two."

Coach pats both of our backs and pushes us closer, making us stand face to face with each other. Hero extends his right hand to shake and the moment I shake his right hand with my left one, he pulls me toward himself in a hug, shocking me and everyone around..and then he whispers in my ear.

"You are not welcome. Not in this town. Not in this team and certainly not in my life. You better watch out for yourself Lucas Tiffin, I promise you, I will make your life a living hell."

With those final words, he pats my back and ends our hug. And looks at me, with a smirk plastered across his face.

"Welcome to the team, elder brother."

The moment Hero addresses me as his elder brother, everyone around us gasps. Including our coach. I believe no one knew about us. I thought, Hero will stop, but, he continues.

"What? You all don't know. Well, hate to break it, but, yes, Lucas is my elder brother. You know, our father, fucked his mother first, got her pregnant, and then went off to college. Meet my mother, they fell in love, got together, get married, and a couple of weeks later, my mother gets pregnant with me. So, long story short, here..," Hero points at me and continues to destroy me and my mother's image in front of everyone..."This happens when you have sex in high school without a condom..," everyone present at the field begins to laugh. I look at every one. Everyone laughing at me, except our coach.

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