Face off...Part-2

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Lucas's Point of View...

I wake up at the sound of my alarm clock, which I set at 5 am specifically for today. I jump off my bed and start my morning routine. Today is an important day for me as today I get to meet my teammates for the first time. I already do not like this move, the last thing I would want is to have a bad reputation with my teammates or even worse, for them to not like me.

Jo's advice from yesterday was to not make today a big day and to treat it like any other day, what I don't understand is how she can say such stuff so lightly. Well, she can, she doesn't rely upon basketball to have a career of her own. She is going to med school after graduation and as her best friend and kind of distant cousin/ brother, I am proud of her. But, it's not the same for me. I am good with my grades, but playing college basketball is my dream, and then NBA. And this year is my last shot. That's one of the reasons, I was not liking the idea to move from my city and changing schools in our final school year. But, my mom and my biological father suggested otherwise.

After brushing my teeth and flushing the toilet, I strip naked and enter the shower. I start the hot water and quickly apply some soap all over my body. Quickly I wash all the soap from my body and rinse my body with hot water. Once done with my shower, I get out, not caring to wrap a towel as it's my room and who will enter without knocking..

And the moment I step, I come face to face with none other than..Jo..

"Omg..omg..I am officially blind..Luc what the hell.."

I stumble back into the bathroom and quickly wrap my towel across my waist..

"Jo..what the hell you are doing in my bedroom. It's freaking 6 am.."

"I am blind. Ohh...god..please give me my eyesight back.."

"Very funny..move your hand away and God may grant you back your eyesight.."

"I am not moving my hands unless junior Lucas is fully covered."

"I am in a towel, you can move your hands away.."

Jo moves her hand away and only opens one of her eyes as if she still doesn't want to believe me. The last thing I want is for Jo to see me naked again.

"Seriously Jo, have some manners. You don't enter a guy's room without knocking. "

"And since when.?"

"Since the last time you saw me naked."

"Well, first of all, the last time I saw you naked that was your fault. You knew I was coming and you decided to walk in your entire house naked, who does that?"

"And who's fault is now?"

"Mine..I agree. But, you don't wake up until 6 am, I had no idea you woke up early today."

"Well, I want to reach the field on time. Maybe before time."

"Look, I got a message from my supervisor that I have to pick two shifts today, morning and evening. So, I thought to come and wish you all the best for your "Big Day". You will be ok, Luc."

"Thanks, Jo. What about our plan for tonight? Are we still on for that?"

"Yes, we are. I will see you directly at the movie theatre."

Jo moves towards me and wraps her hands across my neck.

"You will be great and they will love you."

"Love you, Jo."

"Love you. And, I don't think aunt Sydney is up yet, please tell her that I left early and that I will grab something to eat on my way to work."

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