Settling to the new reality..Part-1

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Josephine's Point of View...

After driving for almost 4 hours we finally decided to take a break. Lucas loves to drive and therefore growing up with him, we used to go on long drives. I still remember the day he got his driver's license. He was so happy and excited. And the day aunt Sydney got him his car, man, he was the happiest 16-year-old I have ever seen in my life.

Lucas stops his car at a local restaurant, clearly letting us know by taking a break, he meant getting something for us to eat.

"Lucas, you just had your hungry you can get?"

"Hey, to my defense I have been driving for the past 4 hours. I need to keep myself full so that I have the energy to drive to Maverick City. What you have been doing? Gossiping with mom."

"Hey...I was not gossiping."

Aunt Sydney just laughs at our bickering as she gets out first from the car, Lucas and I closely follow her. We enter the restaurant and take our table.

"So you two. What do you want to order?"

"Anything tasty.."

I laugh at Lucas's response. Give him food and he can eat all day.

"Ok..tasty for Lucas. What about you Jo?"

I look at the menu and look shocked by the overpriced food items listed on the list. As if aunt Sydney feels my discomfort, she puts her hand over mine and smiles.

"Order anything you want Josephine. It's all on me. You are my responsibility now..ok!!"

I just nod and shyly search the menu again for the dish I would like to order. After careful consideration, I decide to have Pasta with White Sauce. Lucas orders a chicken burger and fries and aunt Sydney orders fruit salad. We wait for some time until our order arrives.

Aunt Sydney breaks the sudden silence by asking me the most unexpected question.

"So Josephine...Lucas will be joining the basketball team. What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Have you considered joining any extracurricular activities?"

"I have actually and I was hoping you two should know about that."

"Dear, you can tell us anything.."

"I was hoping to join and volunteer at the tutoring center. I always have tutored back in our old school. This way, I will still have something to hold on to from my old school. Also, I read online, that they pay you. So, I will be able to help you financially and add some extra money for college."

"Josephine honey you don't have to worry about helping me financially. Lucas's dad will be there to help us in case I fell short of money. Also, I believe that's a brilliant idea. One, it will look good on your resume, and two, yes, you will be able to add some money for your college."

"Yeah..J..the..coo..idea..," Luc tries to speak while having his Burger, to which aunt Sydney slaps him on his head and I just laugh at the fake painful expression Lucas shoots towards his mother.

Lucas swallows his food and wipes the extra mayonnaise from his lips with tissue paper. He turns towards me with a smile.

"That's amazing Jo. You are smart, you should use your grades and intelligence to good use."

Before listening to my response, he turns to face his mother.

"And, mom it hurts. Plus, we are in public."

Aunt Sydney rolls her eyes at Lucas's fake act of Humiliation.

We continue to chat about other topics like going shopping once we reach the city, exploring the places the city has to offer, what subjects we can choose, what subjects we cannot choose, and about our college plans. What we don't realize is that in between our chats, aunt Sydney has fallen silent. She just sits in her chair and looks at me and Lucas with a sad expression.

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