I am a mess..

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Hero's Point of View...

8 months into the future..

As the morning sunlight hits my face, I hear someone moving in my apartment and then I hear the curtains being pulled. More sunlight hits my face, sobering me up.

And then I remembered. The pub..me getting drunk and the girl. Fuck Off. I look down to see I am still fully dressed. Only the buttons on my trousers are unfastened. And I am rock hard. Fuck. Morning wood. And then I smell my surroundings. It smells like vodka mixed with Rum and I can still feel the sour taste of Whiskey. God..How much did I drink last night? And what all did I consume?

"Good morning sunshine.."

I hear David. Am I at his place? I try to drag my body up from the couch but I get hit by a sudden wave of nausea and the next thing I know I am puking the remnants from last night in a nearby trashcan. God..it smells awful.

As I take in my surroundings, I see my apartment. I am still in my apartment. Then what is David doing here? Somehow I stand, holding the nearby chair for support, I can still feel the headache. And my mouth is dry as fuck. And whatever taste I have in my mouth, it's fucking disgusting.

I stumble across the living room to reach the kitchen, where David is cooking something. I grab the corner edges for support, wanting to ask David about last night. I have so many questions.

For starters. I remember that I walked in last night with a girl. I don't remember her name. I know we talked. And I know I asked her about how she wants to have sex with me. And I think she did try to give me a blow job, that will explain my unfastened trousers. But did she? Did she give me a blowjob? Hell if she did, she must be not good at it. I laugh. Jo gives the best blow jobs..period. Seriously, dude..you are thinking about Jo giving you blowjobs when in reality you might be gotten one last night by someone who isn't Jo. Fuck. I cheat on Jo and I feel like a douchebag.

"Not that I don't like you..but what are you doing in my apartment so early?"

David chuckles as he pours coffee from the pot and places the cup in front of me.

"Drink up dude. You look like shit."

I join in, taking a seat on the counter. The moment I take a sip from my coffee mug, I feel better.

"Care to explain what are you doing here?" I ask again taking a sip from my coffee mug.

David turns and walks towards the counter with two plates of pancakes and fried bacon. Good, I don't have to order a takeout. I should start to cook again, I mentally put a resolution task item from my to-do list.

"Casey called. The girl you were with last night."

I look up immediately as David puts on a name for the girl whom I remember from last night. So I was with a girl. God..how should I ask David about what happened last night? I know I didn't have sex. That way I should have been waking up naked and not fully clothed.

David looks at me with no judgment. He digs into his pancakes and starts to read his schedule for today.

"Umm..did she tell you what happened last night?"

David nods. He keeps his phone down to look at me.

"Who the hell is Josephine?"

I almost choke and start to cough. How does he know about Jo? I never shared her name with anyone. Hell, I never shared with anyone that I dated a girl in high school who I loved very much. And still do. I always love Jo. She is the love of my life.

"What are you talking about?"

I shrug and try to act normal. But looking at David's expressions I know I failed.

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