Opening my Heart to her...

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Hero's Point of View...

Before I can realize what I am doing, I find myself moving toward Tessa, holding her in my arms and crashing my lips to hers.

It feels like heaven. Since the first time I laid my eyes on her, I always wonder what it would feel like to kiss her, taste her lips, and explore her with my tongue, and after weeks of anticipation, I finally got to experience it all. And, I must say, the wait was worth it.

I ask for her permission to enter her mouth, I usually don't ask for permission, as my friends label me the guy.."Who gets what he wants", but I know Josephine is different. She is not like any other girls I slept with. I cannot get her with my old ways, I need to adapt to the gentleman highway.

And when she allows me to enter her mouth, I took every opportunity to ravish her.

We continue to kiss for about a couple of minutes until the air becomes an issue. We stop. But, I don't want to stop. I let go of Jo's mouth for a couple of seconds so that she can fill her lungs with the much-required air, but I don't leave her face. Like a hawk, fixed on his target, I continue to watch Jo's face. The moment I felt that she has recomposed herself, I smash my lips back on hers, getting a slight giggle and then a moan from hers.

The moment my tongue enters her mouth for the second time tonight, Jo moans again. This time I can feel my dick getting hardened by such a normal gesture from hers. She is special. There is no doubt in my mind. Usually, it takes me to be naked in bed with a naked girl or either a blow job to get a hard-on, but in the case of Jo, just kissing her and hearing her moans as a result of our kissing, is making me horny and I can't even help it.

Jo closes the little distance between us and the moment she does so, she feels my hard dick poking her stomach and me out of embarrassment and her of what, I don't know, break our kiss. I laugh nervously as Jo looks momentarily at my fully hardened dick and then quickly turns around out of shyness.

I giggle at her response.

"I am sorry. But, what can I say you are hot."

Not getting a response from Jo, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her back to me, making my front collide with her back, with my dick pressed between our bodies and touching the hem of her shirt, that's slightly out from the confines of her jeans. I know she can feel me. I know she can feel the moment that we are experiencing right now, I just don't know if she understands it. I turn her around and held her chin up so that our eyes get locked on eachother's faces.

"It's a compliment, Jo. You are hot. Yes, you are not the first girl I have kissed but trust me, the day I met you, I couldn't stop thinking about you. The thought of you consumes me every single second of every single day that we spent apart."

She blushes and looks down but still doesn't give me any response.

"What you are doing tomorrow?"

She quickly looks at me with a confused expression.

"It's a simple question, Jo. What you are doing tomorrow?"

" shift as usual."

" what time you get free?"

"Hero, you already know that. I close this place at 8 and that's when I am free to go home."

"Can you switch your shift with someone else?"

"I can but it depends on why? Why you are asking me all these questions?"

I tighten my arms around her waist and pull her towards me if that's even possible, considering the fact our bodies are pressed to each other and there is no space between us.

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