The Trip...

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Jo's Point of View...

"Why you are going with him?"

I arrange the clothes that I will be taking with me for my trip with Hero and turn to grab my travel bag, only to face a confused and bit angry Lucas. 

"Luc I already told you, it's all part of our deal. Hero agreed to be tutored if I go with him on this trip. Plus it's a marriage occasion in his family. It's not a big deal."

Lucas takes two long strides to stand in front of me.

"I will go with you."

I laugh as I arrange my clothes inside my travel bag.

"And exactly what you will be doing. Arguing with Hero the entire time. No, thank you."

"Well, it will be better than you leaving alone with that asshole."

"Luc, I am a big girl. I believe that I can take care of myself. I don't want a bodyguard.  And honestly, I don't think, Hero will do anything against my will."

"Well, you give him too much credit for no reason. He is a douchebag. I mean he has a girlfriend and still, he sleeps with other girls. Don't you see, Jo, he is a bad person."

I put my final piece of clothing inside my bag and signal Lucas to turn around. He looks at me with a confused frown but when I mimic my hands around my breasts, he closes his eyes and turns his face with a disgusted look. I laugh at Lucas's dramatic expressions as if he hasn't seen a naked girl before. I quickly pack my lingerie inside my travel bag and clap my hands to let Lucas know that I am done. He quickly turns to face me and starts his new round of "Hero is an idiot" complaint list.

"And why dad wants you to tutor him in the first place. He can get another tutor."

"Luc, I tried ok. I tried getting out of this arrangement. Trust me. But he needs my help. And what kind of a person, I will be if I refuse to help him because of my personal opinions against him? Please understand and be supportive. I can't do this without my best friend's support."

"And you are just tutoring him?"

"I am just tutoring him. That's all."

Lucas closes the distance between us and wraps his arms around my neck.

"Ok. But, please be safe. I don't trust him, but, I trust you."

I nod. I cannot answer Luc. Because as much as I want to believe that it's just tutoring and helping Hero, I guess deep down, I know it's more than that. As Ashley suggested, I am having this road trip to see if anything is possible between me and Hero. What if, the conclusion comes out to be positive? What if I do decide to have something more with Hero? How I will face Lucas? He will be mad but I hope, he will understand. 

Our moment is interrupted by Aunt Sydney. She knocks on my bedroom door to get our attention.

"Jo, Hero has arrived. He is in his car, waiting for you."

I nod at Aunt Sydney and turn to face Lucas. He has an understanding smile on his face, letting me know that he is with me, on my decision. He picks up my bag and gestures to me to leave first. I grab my purse and leave my room, with Lucas trailing behind.  We go downstairs to see Hero waiting patiently inside his car. He comes out of his car as I approach him. Lucas gestures for him to open his car to put my bag inside. Hero looks at me and without saying much does what he has been asked for. Lucas arranged my bag inside Heros' car and gave me one final hug before I climbed inside. Hero quickly gets inside as well, starts his car and drives it out.

As we hit the highway, I wait for Hero to start a conversation but when he doesn't, I finally speak to break the awkward silence between us.

"Thank you for not starting another fight with Lucas."

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