When Two Brothers Meet.. Part-1

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Hero's Point of View...

I open my eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling. I turn to my right to see that I am indeed in an unknown bedroom or rather not in my bedroom. I turn left to see someone's naked back facing me. Miley. It's her bedroom. And considering she is naked, I can feel the touch of her warm body with my naked skin, we had sex last night.

The events from yesterday come rushing in like a tsunami, splashing my soul with the harsh reality of my parent's separation. They are leaving each other, they are leaving me. They are having a divorce. I know my parents didn't mention anything about getting a divorce, but I am not that naive. I know what "Moving Out" means for the future.

But why am I here?? Since when I started solving my problems with Sex. I guess it all started when I started hooking up with Miley with no strings attached notion. She wanted me in her bed, inside her, I wanted her back as she is Hot and that lead to us hooking up, whenever we want, wherever we want. Sex with Miley is different as I don't have to worry about hurting her emotions or her expecting more from me. It's just sex for us. We both enjoy our time together.

Am I still dating my girlfriend..Amanda. Yes, I am. But we are not soulmates or in contract to get married or in love, so, me hooking up behind her back is something I don't feel guilty about. Plus every time, I have sex with Amanda, she always drags the conversation of us having a long-distance relationship and finding ways to make it work. I am 17 years old, I don't want a Long distance relationship commitment, I want to enjoy my life. What Amanda expects..that I will wait for her in college and not date anyone. It's bulshit. The only reason I tolerate Amanda and her attitude is that she lets me vent off to her about my problems and rewards me with sex. But that also is tainted by her constant need to talk about us having a relationship in college and about how we can inspire others about having a real relationship and making it work. Also, seriously I don't remember the last time I properly fucked Amanda.

I turn my back, in an attempt to leave. I am starving and Miley's naked skin touching my body is not helping me either. So soon in the morning, I am having a hard-on and if I don't leave bed soon, I will end up fucking Miley again. I just don't want to be the guy who uses a girl for sex. The instant thought gets washed away as I realize our current situation. Last night I came to Miley's because I wanted a distraction from my parents and Miley was the best distraction any guy could ask for.

By the time I am done coming out of my thoughts, I feel Miley's eyes on me, she is awake, turned and facing me, and one of her hands is cupping my balls, and the other caresses my hard cock.

"Good morning.."

She smirks while continuing her actions on my cock, knowing well what her actions are doing to me.

"It's too early to even think about what you are thinking to do.."

My pathetic response earns a giggle from Miley, she knows as if I will deny what she is trying to do.

She smirks while she lightly trails her fingers from my cock to my V-section, grazing her slim fingers from the trail of my pubic hair to my chest. She starts to rub her fingers across my naked chest, drawing patterns across my nipples.

"Common Hero..when was the last time you said " No", to us having sex? And your excited member downstairs indicates what you want us to do. So, I suggest, we don't waste time on unwanted talks, and let's put your cock in action."

I laugh as Miley boldly demands sex. This is what I love about her. She doesn't shy away from asking what she wants. She acts on her wants. I feel Miley's body weight leaving her side of the bed and slowly getting transferred over me. Within seconds, I see her sitting straight over me, with my cock in her hands as she guides it to her entrance.

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