I thought you knew me better..Part-2

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Hero's Point of View...

After Casey blows me, we shower together. It felt different showering with someone else other than Jo but I kept reminding myself that she had moved on and at some point, I needed to move on too. And having Casey in my shower was a step towards me moving on. It's still sex though. Nothing more. I am not ready for a relationship and it seems Casey understands that.

She wanted more than just a blow job but I didn't have the time or energy to get into the sex part. So, I washed her body with soap, that's the least I could do. She did the same.

We walked out of the shower, wrapped in towels. Casey didn't have a fresh pair of clothes, so she decided to walk to my closet and wear my T-shirt. Before I could protest or Say "No" to her, she was walking out wearing it as she owned it. That did make me a little mad. Only Jo had worn my clothes in the past and it seemed a lot was changing and maybe I wasn't ready for all the sudden changes.

"So you raided my closet?"

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"So you raided my closet?"

I ask Casey rolling my eyes as she checks me out changing into my underwear. It's not like she hasn't seen me naked before. We just took a shower together for heaven's sake.

"Relax Hero it's just a T-Shirt."

I walk past her, grabbing my shirt over my shoulder.

"No, it's not just that. I don't like anyone wearing my stuff. It's as simple as that."

"So you can let me blow you off in the shower, you can let me wash soap all over your body, hell have your Cock buried deep inside my pussy for hours last night but can't let me wear your T-Shirt?"

"I didn't ask you to join me in the shower or give me a blow job or let me wash soap on my body. It was all you."

"Yes, I know that. But you did ask me last night to come over so that you can fuck me for hours. Hell, I don't do Anal and I even let you do that to me."

"I don't want you to think that this is anything more than Sex."

The conversation has taken an U-turn and that's something I am not ready to get into. Casey walks towards me, grabs her purse from the couch and turns to me before walking out.

"I know that. You made that perfectly clear the first time you fucked me. You tell me that every time before and after we have sex. I am not an idiot, Hero. I know that the girl in the picture frame means more to you than anyone else can ever. But, sometimes it's good to loosen up. By showering with me or by letting me wear your stuff, you aren't deleting that girl from your life. You already did that the moment you let your Cock entered my body."

Casey almost slams the door in my face on her way out, but I stop her. She is my distraction and with Jo in town, I can't let her slip off.

"Look I am sorry. I overreacted. Can we see each other tonight? I will make it up to you."

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