I thought you knew me better..Part-1

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Jo's Point of View...

It's been more than 3 months since I started college. 3 months since the last time I saw him. I wonder if he thinks about me, the same way I think about him. Has he moved on? Did he find someone to replace me in his life and his bed? That thought alone, imagining Hero with another girl, makes me nauseated.

By now he must have become famous, he was always good-looking, and girls might be throwing themselves at him. And he is single. If he moves on, he won't be cheating on me. So I can't blame him.

Adjusting at Stanford without Hero was tough but Lucas following me to Stanford has made things for me easier. Also, I have the best roommate. Kiara. And her boyfriend Sid, is like an elder brother to me, one that I never had growing up. Kiara and Sid are family and they have helped me a lot since I came to Stanford.


I look up to see Lucas standing at my door. I give him my best smile and begin to pack my bags. We are going to Duke. Yes, it's correct. Stanford's Basketball team is playing against Duke's and Lucas somehow made me agree to tag along.

"Are you almost done?" Lucas asks taking a seat on the floor right in front of me.

I nod and continue to pack my bag. I put my morning routine bag in the suitcase, checking off the last item from my travel list. All done. I am all packed and ready to go to Duke for the weekend. 2 days at Duke and then the entire team will be staying for 2 more days. So do I. And that's what makes me more nervous. If it had been just the weekend, then I could have avoided Hero by locking myself in the hotel and only leaving when we were supposed to leave Duke for California. But that's not happening. And I know Lucas will drag me along with him to explore the campus and nearby tourist areas. And I can't avoid Hero in the open, can I?

The part I am more scared of is that he sees me and I see him with a girl with whom he must have moved on and then I will look like an idiot. The girl who still cries at night over the guy she once loved and still loves.

"It will be fun, Jo. You will see. I have mapped out all the cool places where we can go legally. Honestly, I can't wait for the last 2 days more than the first two days."

Lucas chuckles giving me a hand to help me close my bag.

"You are worried about Hero?"

Lucas asks taking my hands in his.

"I am not worried about him. I just don't know how to see him after three months of not seeing him. He has most probably moved on so it's not like anything will happen between us."

"Jo you are going with me. Plus, Sid will be there. And so does Kiara. It's not like you will be alone. Kiara will give you company while me and Sid beat Hero and his team's asses."

I laugh. Lucas's enthusiasm is something that everyone should have. Everyone knows Duke has one of the best Basketball teams in the Country and hate to say this, Stanford doesn't. Lucas talking about beating Hero and his team is lame on so many levels. I know Lucas is a good player and so is Sid, but Hero was always amazing on the court and imagine more players like him will be part of Duke's team. No way Stanford is defeating Duke. But best friend courtesy. I can't tell the truth to Lucas.

I still remember the day I told Lucas about me dating Hero. It seems like yesterday, when for once Lucas didn't talk to me for a week straight.

7 months ago...

Someone grabs me inside the janitor's closet as I turn the corner in the empty school corridor and before I can say anything, the person's lips touch mine. I know that mouth freshener. Hero. I can't help but smile into the kiss and let him claim my mouth.

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