I wait everyday to see her again..

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5 days later...

Hero's Point of View...

I enter the stadium, again, at the same time, hoping for two things. One to play basketball in one of my dream stadiums and two, to again find Josephine.

Since the first time I saw her, I have been coming to the stadium, every day for the last 5 days. We don't do much. I play basketball and she watches me. And when I get tired, we sit and talk. It's like a daily routine for me. Don't know about her.

Does she feel the same way, as I do? Does she also wait for us to meet every day as I do? Does she also feel this constant pull towards me, like I feel towards her? Does she also wait for the day to get over and for the night to begin as I do? Does she also dream about seeing me the next day as I do?

I stumble across the big hallway which leads to the stadium. As I enter the stadium, it looks the same. Like it does, every day. Following my usual routine, I pick up the closest kept basketball and start dribbling it across the court. I shoot a couple of baskets, patiently waiting for Josephine's entrance. I shoot my third 3-Pointer basket, when, like music to my ears, I hear the sound of her clapping. That's her entrance. She always applauds me for my ability to shoot baskets, without any competition. It's funny. The real rush from inside you get in playing basketball when you are playing at a stadium that is full of people, them cheering for you, and you as a player facing a tough opponent team.

But, for me, this definition has completely changed in the last 5 days. Every time she claps for me, I get the rush from inside. The same rush that any other basketball player may get in playing a crowded stadium.

"Wow..you are back. 5 days in a row."

I put the ball I was holding on the floor and turn to see my Josephine. As usual, her beauty knocks every ounce of air out of me.

"What Can I say, I can't stay away from you."

And there it happens. She blushes. She blushes for me. Stepping down the last stair, she walks towards me with a beautiful smile marking her gorgeous facial features.

She dresses the same way she always does. A simple plaid blue shirt with black jeans.

"At what time do you close today?"

I ask moving towards her and closing the gap between us.

"I don't know. There is a 6 feet tall boy who comes every day and pushes my closing hours more and later at night. I believe I have to ask him to stop coming."

The moment she says- she has to ask me to stop coming, my world stops. Sensing the sudden change in my mood and facial expressions, Josephine quickly adds.

"Joking..Hero. You can come every day. I love our sessions."

Like a dead person pushed back into the living world, again to live, her words give me hope. Hope, that maybe, she wants everything the same way I do. A real relationship. I debate internally whether or not to ask her out on our first date. I am usually very easy with girls, but, with Josephine, it's like I am learning to approach a girl all from the start.

"Come let's sit and talk. My heels are killing me."

I laugh as I follow Jo toward the sitting section.

"Why do you wear those boots if you hate them so much?"

Both of us climb a couple of stairs and takes two seats, facing the court and the giant screen.

"I don't hate them. But, if you wear these boots and work an 8-hour shift, I will ask you then."

Defensively I raise my hands.

Met by Coincidence...Separated by Destiny...Where stories live. Discover now