Settling to the new reality.. Part-2

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Hero's Point of View...

"Damn boy you look hot playing ball.."

I turn to see my visitor and come face with my best friend- Rob Milkins.

"Rob..buddy, when did you come?"

I drop my ball on the floor and run to hug my best friend. Rob and I met each other when we were babies, our mothers quickly became friends, and just like our mothers, we became friends too. Rob came out to his family as gay last year and I was the first one he told. It was tough for him to come clean with his family because his grandparents had old notions of masculinity and gender expression. But, I helped him. When he went clean to his family about his gender identity, his parents and grandparents got mad and asked him to leave. For weeks he lived with me at my house. My mother welcomed Rob with open arms, she always treated Rob as her second child. My mom was the one who was able to convince Rob's parents to accept his gender identity. His grandparents still have a problem but Rob's parents support him and finally, they were able to get past this.

"I came just an hour ago. I went to your house and your mom told me that I might find you here at the court and as usual, she was correct. Now, get naked and let me see those abbs of yours.."

Rob teases me as he starts to tickle me in an attempt to remove my t-shirt, which is now drenched with sweat as I have been practicing for the last hour.

"Ok..ok..stop dude. Let's sit. Tell me about the camping trip you went on with your brothers. I need all the juicy stuff.."

Rob laughs as I remove my t-shirt, put it across my shoulder, and walk to the benches where I kept my gym bag. I open my gym bag, throw my sweat-soaked shirt in it and bring out a clean T-shirt to wear.

"I was enjoying the view.."

I laugh as I get settled on the benches and gesture for Rob to join me. Rob climbs up and takes a seat on one bench, adjacent to mine.

"So tell me, was your trip? Did you tell your brothers about your gender preferences?"

He nods and gets silent. He stares at nothing across the hall with a sad expression. Understanding the sudden change in Rob's mood, I try to change the topic.

"You don't have to tell me about it. You know what let's discuss the girls I slept with in the last two weeks."

Rob looks at me and laughs.

"Dude I thought you were dating Amanda?"

"Yeah...I still am but that doesn't mean I can't have fun."

"You crazy bastard.." Rob punches me on my shoulder, which makes me lose my balance on my bench and I almost fell, but he holds me in time, preventing my embarrassing fall.

"Man..were you going to the gym lately?? You got strong."

Rob just shakes his head.

"But seriously are messing with other girls behind Amanda's back?"

"Just a couple of times with Miley. "

"Miley..Miley..the hot cheerleader..Miley?"

I just nod confirming Rob's doubts.

"When the hell did that happened?"

"Couple of days ago. I was in the shower at the boy's locker room, I was alone and she joined me in my shower. I first pushed her away but then I couldn't resist. She was naked, all wet, and let's just admit that she is hot and sexy. Then she went down on me, gave me an amazing blowjob, and then we fucked. She told me that we can keep on doing that and she won't tell anyone. After that day, we have only fucked a couple of times, mostly at her place."

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