Things worth fighting for...

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Hero's Point of View...

"I think they are dating bro..,"

Rey captures my attention from the NBA game we have been playing for the last 40 minutes as he again shows his interest in talking about Lucas and Jo. I don't understand, why he can't just let it go. It's not like I was dating Jo and she has been seeing Lucas behind my back.

"And why do you think so?" from where does that question comes Hero? My subconscious asks me back. I thought I was over it.

"Bro... it's not like you and I are new to this dating scenario. We both saw them yesterday. The way they were hugging each other and laughing together and they both looked so happy together. It's obvious, he is fucking her."

I throw my gaming console on the other end of my bed and stand up from my couch abruptly. Just listening about Lucas and Jo, together as a couple makes me nauseating.

"You ok, Hero?"

"Rey, can we please drop that subject? I don't care who he dates or who he fucks. It's his life."

"But, bro, I was thinking about something. Just hear me out."

I turn to face Rey, while I attempt to change the t-shirt that I have been wearing. I am done talking about Jo and Lucas and I need a distraction and that distraction has to be Amanda, my girlfriend.


"Maybe this whole situation we can use to our advantage."

"I don't understand, what you are talking about."

Rey stands up from his couch and walks closer to me.

"Think Hero. Look, you want Lucas to leave our team and you want to destroy his life. I think I have a way by which we can achieve both."

Rey's suggestion intrigues me now. If whatever Rey is suggesting is a good one, I will be able to get rid of Lucas permanently from my life.

"Look we don't know if or not they are dating but one thing is clear, they are close. Damn close. And, this we can use to our advantage."

"Ok..tell me, I am listening," we both sit down again.

"If they are not dating, then you can hook up with that girl. Have sex with her, make her fall for you, and when you are done with her, dump her sorry ass, and humiliate her in front of everyone, it will destroy your brother too."

I am left stunned by my friend's stupid idea. How on earth can he even think, that I will use Jo, let alone a girl in the way? I might be famous for random hookups, hell I have even slept with a couple of our teachers, but I have never forced anyone. All the girls and women I have slept with, they do that willingly.

"Are you crazy? Do you even listen to what you are suggesting?"

"Yes, I do. Ohh..common dude. You have been drooling over that girl, don't tell me you already had her in your bed in your dreams. Multiple times. We all know you."

"Yes, I want to have sex with her, because she is hot, and yes I have already fantasized about us sexually, but that doesn't mean I will use a girl to get back at my brother. And, I don't have to sleep with Jo to destroy Lucas. I will destroy him in several other ways. I may already have a plan in place, just wait and watch."

"I was just suggesting an easy way."

"What you were suggesting was insane. I have never used a girl in my life the way you are suggesting and I will never do that."

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