You moved on..I didn't..

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Jo's Point of View...

He stood in front of me after months of silence. I knew that I would see him when Luc asked me to tag along for the basketball match with Duke. What I didn't expect, was to see him so soon.

My mother always used to tell me..Jo when you walk, always see who is coming from the front. Bumping into people is "My thing". And it happened again. This time I bumped into Hero.

When I looked up to see him standing in front of me, I hoped it to be someone else. I knew I had to see him when I agreed to come to Duke. But it's too early too soon.

He has changed. For starters, it seems he is hitting the gym more. I can see his puffed chest and broad shoulders evident from his practice Jersey that is sticking at all the right places on his body, doing full justice to his physique. And he looks a bit mature. The innocence that used to be there on his face, is gone. And he has tattoos now. Never I expect him to ink his body. But, he stands, with tattooed arms and shoulders. I can see a bit of blank ink poking out from his round-neck practice jersey, which means he has tattoos all across his body.

What should I say? He looks good. But gone is the Hero I used to know. The guy that I dated..fell in love with. It's amazing how 3 months can change someone in so many ways. And, then it strikes me. Is he dating anyone? I mean look at him, no way girls at Duke aren't throwing themselves at him. He had the same effect on the girls of our high school, so, why will college be any different? Plus he is part of the basketball team. Girls dig Jocks. But not me. I mean, I used to believe that until I met Hero and everything changed for me. He changed me. He changed me morally, physically and emotionally. He became my first kiss, the guy I lost my virginity to and most importantly my first love.

I say.."Hero.." yes just his name. I was too shocked to see him again after months of no contact.

"Jo..Wow...I didn't think I would see you again"

Why? Why would he think that he won't see me again? Was he expecting me to not come for the match? Or is it something that he isn't saying to me? There was a time when I used to look at Hero and know what he was thinking. But now I am finding it difficult to read Hero.

"So, Jo. Who are you here with?"

What is wrong with him? Why he is asking me all these strange questions? Is it that awkward talking to me? Someone should remind him that 3 months ago we were dating each other. I was his girlfriend, until he broke my heart and stomped upon my heart's broken pieces, as if I never existed.

""Lucas who else will be?"

I say with confidence. He should have known that I would be coming with my best friend, Lucas. Who else will I come with?

"What about your boyfriend?"

My boyfriend? Hero looks at me with a look of anger and an emotion I never imagined to see in his eyes. Betrayal. What on earth is he talking about? Since when I started to date someone else, someone I don't even know about.

"My boyfriend?"

You were my boyfriend, Hero. The last guy I dated. No one else. I want to tell him that but before I do, I want him to answer my question. And he does. He gives me a perfect description of my imaginary boyfriend as if he has seen him with me.

"Yes..Jo. Your boyfriend. Tall, slim, tanned skin..I know you have moved on Jo, don't lie to me."

Lie to him? Is he serious? Is he walking high around his college campus in broad daylight? What's going on?

"OK..I don't know what drugs you are onto right now, or if it should concern you if or not I am dating anyone. But just so you know and as far as I am concerned, I am not dating anyone. You were the last guy I dated."

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