Jealousy Suits You...

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Jo's Point of View....

"Hey, Mom..How are you?"

"Honey...I am doing good. How are you? How was your summer and are you excited about your first day?"

" and your 100 questions. What's going on? Are you doing ok?"

"Honey I am doing ok, I just miss you."

"Mom it's been 2 months only and you already miss me?"

"I guess I do. I was thinking that I might come to see you."

"What about grandma?"

"Your grandma is doing ok. And I can still come to see my daughter if and whenever I want to."

"Mom.. what's wrong?"

I don't hear my mother saying anything for the next couple of minutes.

"Mom are you there?"

"I am here honey. I... it's your grandma. She is not doing well. Let's just say her condition has become worse in the last couple of weeks."

"Mom..why didn't you tell me that earlier. I would have come to visit you."

"That's the reason I didn't tell you. Plus Sydney told me you have a boy in your life now. I just didn't want to ruin your life, you were already forced to grow up way before your age, and now that you found some normality in your life, I just didn't want you to lose that."

With the mere mention of Hero, all the good memories with him come rushing in, and before I can cherish them, the memory from the day comes back, the day he ruined whatever we had. I cannot keep living my life in the past. It took me a week to get back to normal and now, in no way, I can stumble back on my improvement. Hero was a beautiful memory, that's gone now. I need to face the reality and move on with my life.

"Mom you still should have told me. I am your daughter and she is my grams, I need to know how she is doing. Please promise me, you will not shut me out if her condition becomes worse."

"I won't honey. Anyways, enough of the sad talk. Tell me about the boy you are seeing. How he is with you? What's his name? Is he handsome? And are we at a stage where I need to have a talk with my daughter about protection?"

I mentally laugh at my mother's last question. that's ever gonna happen. Maybe it will happen one day, I am not gonna die as a "Virgin", but I am pretty sure it's not gonna happen soon, and not gonna happen with Hero. We were never meant to be.

"And I thought you will never ask."

We both laugh at my failed attempt at dodging the bullet.

"Tell me, Jo. I mean my daughter finds a boy for once in her life and I am sitting in a hospital room, miles away from her."

"Mom it was not serious or at least not for him. It's over, I haven't seen him since last week."

"Ohh...honey. Well, I must say...Welcome to the world of teenage love. He was your first crush, but we always have to find our one true love."

"Like my Father was for you."

"Jo...don't do this."

"What mom...have a normal conversation with my mother."

" can have any conversation with me, just nothing about your father. He is the last person about whom I want to talk about. You know that."

"Mom.. let's leave it. We can talk about something else."

", don't shut me out now, and don't try to avoid the subject by bringing your father. Why did it end?"

"He was not serious or let's just say he was ashamed of being seen with me."

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