Hero or Christian..?

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Jo's Point of View...

"He is making you choose?"

I hear Ashley almost shout from the other side of the line as I try to get my assignments done for next week.

"Yes he is and I don't get it, Ash...he was embarrassed to be seen with me, in front of his friends and now he wants me to go with him on a road trip or trip, he didn't clarify."

"It's Hero we are talking about Jo..he is as usual playing games with you. I would say go with that Christian guy, he looked cute."

I roll my eyes at Ashley's description of Christian. She saw him only once last week and instantly she was hooked up with me trying to get him..her words, not mine.

"Plus Jo it's Mexico..freaking Mexico, you can't let it go."

"And it's about me having to pick between Mexico and someone's future. I can't be selfish, Ash. Hero needs my help."

"But he is the one who is making you choose. He should understand that you are already doing a favor by agreeing to help him with his grades."

"I know Ash..trust me I do. As you said it's classic.."I am Hero..the jerk" move."

"Well hold on to your ground. Tell him, he can't drag you around the way he wants to. It's either him accepting your help or the offer is off the table."

"And what I will tell to Uncle Rick?"

"Tell him that he has raised a convenient jerk underneath his roof."

I laugh at Ashley's suggestion. Maybe I should tell Uncle Rick.

"I will see Ash, I haven't talked to Aunt Sydney about Christian's offer yet."

"Or you can do both".

I stopped writing my English essay that's due next week at Ashley's suggestion.

"What you mean...I can do both?"

"Go with Hero and Christian. And make a decision."

"Decision as in?"

"Who you want..Hero or Christian."

"There is no Decision Ash...I am not looking for a relationship."

"Who you are fooling? Me?"

I am shocked by Ashley's surprising change of tone.

"I am not fooling you, Ash..why do you even say that?"

"Because that's the truth. You are either fooling me or you are fooling yourself by thinking that saying you are not looking for a relationship."

Am I looking for a relationship? I did like Hero a lot but that was in the past. Hero is taken by Amanda. Plus he and I don't fit in the same mole of society categorization. He is the famous Jock who is followed by everyone at our school and I am a straight A+ student who wants to become a doctor. A combination of Jock and Nerd only works in the movies, not in real life.

Christian on the other hand is the type of guy who I can see having a future with. He is great at studies and wants to become a doctor. He is serious about his future. Plus, he is great at clicking pictures. That's his passion and he knows what he is doing.

Well, Hero is passionate too but he is not at all serious about his future. For starters, he cannot understand the simple fact that to keep playing basketball, he needs to pass all his subjects. He is making me choose like he has any other way.

But who do I want? Ashley is correct. I cannot let Hero drag me around with his mind games. If he wants me, he has to come clean with his real intentions. Maybe there is a way to find out.

"If you are done mind fucking both..Hero and Christian, can we continue our discussion?"

I blush at the mere mention of having sex with Hero. Ugh..not Hero. No Hero.

"Sorry..what you were saying?"

"Who you want Jo?"

"I..I.. don't know Ash. If you had asked me this question a couple of weeks ago, I would have said Hero. But, now I don't know. Christian is a nice guy. We have been hanging out lately and now I know that he is amazing. He shares the same interests as me and is extremely passionate about photography. "

"Hero isn't?"

"He is. He is great at Basketball. He loves that game more than anything. But, he and I, we can't happen."

"Why not?"

"Because of Ash..he is Hero. The most famous guy in our high school. Everyone likes him. Follows him. Girls go weak on their knees if he smiles at them. That's who he is. I on the other hand am a "Nobody", a nerd who has zero experience in the sex department, while Hero is a walking Enclyopedia when it comes to sexual history. It will never happen and even if it does, we won't work out."

"Don't you think, you don't give yourself enough credits?"

I laugh weakly. What's there to say? I am me. A school nerd who is caught in between the turmoil of a hard situation, involving two of the most famous guys in the high school I go to.

"On paper Ash..I and Christian are a perfect fit."

"And who you want Jo..that's more important."

"Hero..I want Hero. But he doesn't want me, at least not in the same way I want him."

"Heart wants what it wants Jo..you can't do anything about it."

"So I am back to square one.." I laugh meekly.

"No, you are not. You still have the whole week to decide. The Mexico trip with Christian is this weekend. You can go with Hero to wherever the hell he wants to take you before the weekend. Since your heart wants him, give him the first opportunity. If things don't work out with Hero, at least your heart will know that you tried and then you can see what happens with Christian. The decision will be yours to make."

"And what about Lucas?"

"What about him?"

"Ash..Lucas hates Hero. He will flip out the moment he knows that I am going on a trip with Hero."

"Jo for once, think about yourself. Stop thinking about the world around you. We can deal with Lucas later."

"And how do we do that?"

"Lucas always flips. Who cares.."

I laugh at Ashley's reaction towards Lucas. Something has changed and I don't know if that's good for a future college plan. Ashley who used to be madly in love with Lucas does not seem to care less about him and that's unsettling to me.

----------Authors Note----------

I am back and I am sorry it took me a while to come back and post the next update but I was a bit busy with my office work and with my personal life. I promise you all will be getting constant updates, at least 2 updates in a week and separate updates over weekends. I hope you enjoy the update.

So what do you think, Is JO making the correct choice by giving Hero another chance or do you think she will end up regretting it again? Do let me know in the comment section.

Please Vote and comment as much as possible. Your reactions, good or bad gives me an idea what my readers wants and if I am writing is worthy enough for you all to read.

Until then take care and be safe. In will see you all with my next update..

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