When two brothers meet.. Part-2

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Josephine's Point of View...

I enter my room at our new home in Maverick city. The house, Lucas's father got for us is pretty big. There are 4 bedrooms, which means I get my bedroom. There are two floors, my and Lucas's bedroom is on the second floor whereas aunt Sydney's room is on the ground floor along with the guest bedroom.

The house is gifted with a beautiful kitchen that opens to an even more beautiful garden, which comes with a swimming pool. The moment Lucas saw the swimming pool, his earlier bad mood got disappeared. He still didn't talk to me or aunt Sydney but we both knew that we have to give Lucas some space and some time to adjust to the new reality.

"Yes, mom..the house is beautiful. I even get my bedroom. I thought I have to share one with Lucas, which was no problem by the way because we grow up together. But, it's nice to have some privacy."

"It's good to hear you are happy, Jo. Please call me at least once a day, ok? I need to know how my daughter is doing..ok?"

"Yes, mom..I will."

Before I can ask mom about grandma's health, I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I turn to see a sad-looking aunt Sydney standing at my door.

"Mom, I will call you later. Please take care of yourself and please don't skip your meals. Promise me."

"I promise you..hun. I love you, my angel."

"I love you too..Mom. I will call you back."

I disconnect my call and throw my cell phone on the mattress of my bed. I turn to face aunt Sydney completely, hoping she will join me, considering she doesn't look happy.

"Let me guess..still Lucas is not speaking with you?"

Aunt Sydney straightens her back and enters my room. She moves some of my clothes from the bed to make some space. Once seated, she gestures to me to join her. I walk up to my aunt and sit with her on my bed.

Aunt Sydney takes my hands in hers and rubs them softly with her index finger.

"No. He is still mad. I hate it when he is mad, Jo. I don't know if he will ever forgive me for this move."

"Aunt..Lucas loves you. That boy worships the ground his mother walks upon. Don't worry. Give him some time, he will come around."

"What if he doesn't Jo? What if he never agrees to this change or the new reality of his life? The reality that I and his father had forced upon him. I cannot keep living my life, knowing that some part of my son hates me."

"Aunt Sydney..Lucas doesn't hate you. Trust me. Yes, he is mad but most probably he is mad over the thought that he said something to upset you. That knucklehead will come around. If he doesn't, I am gonna kick his butt."

My dorky statement earns a laugh from my sad-looking aunt.

"How do you do this Jo?"

"Do what?"

"This.." Aunt Sydney points towards my face.

"Is there something on my face?"

"No silly. I mean, how do you make everyone happy? I never understand how you can be so young and yet so mature for your age. The way you take care of your mother, your grandmother, and most importantly Lucas. He is lucky to have you, we all are lucky to have you."

"I try I guess."

Aunt Sydney takes my hands and kisses my knuckles.

"Did you like your room?"

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