She has moved on..

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Hero's point of view...

It's been 2 months since I saw her. Hold her. Touched her. Laid my eyes on her.

I don't know how she looks now. Has she changed herself in any way? If she has, will I be able to see those changes? Will I like those changes? Does she even care about my likes and dislikes? Does she care about me?
Does she still love me?

There are so many questions going around in my head, but somehow my heart wants to focus on the fact that I will see Jo again. After 2 months. I still haven't figured out how I will get her to talk to me. Will she be interested to talk to me? If she does give me her time, what I will tell her? How should I start our conversation? Should I come clean completely? Or should I not tell her what Lucas told me all those months ago?

I know Lucas means a great deal to her and she already lost me, I can't let her lose her friendship with Lucas. Not on my account. I can't be selfish for my happiness over Jo's. I know if I tell Jo what Lucas told me then it will break her heart. And, I can't let that happen. I will have to come up with ways as soon as possible. Stanford is near and I am losing time by thinking and then overthinking my previous thoughts/ ideas..hell they are all jumbled up.

And then the unspoken doubt resurfaces itself for the hundredth time since David and I decided to visit Jo. Has she moved on? Does she have someone in her life instead of me? Has she replaced me with another guy in bed? What if she has? She isn't an 18-year-old took care of subconscious mind tells me.

Well if she has moved on then I will have to find ways to do the same. And deep down, I knew that was the toughest part. I can't imagine my life with another girl. I love Jo and I will love her for the rest of my life.

"You ok mate?" David breaks my chain of thoughts.

I look at him and simply nod. I have already bombarded David with too many of my thoughts, I can't overload him further. We take the final turn as per our Google Maps home screen, Stanford is now only 10 minutes away and so is Jo.

I feel my palms wet with sweat. I never sweat my palms. That's new. I still haven't seen Jo and she still has somehow found ways to make me nervous. David looks at me and smiles. 5 more minutes and I will see the girl I love again after 2 months.

The name "Stanford" is now clearly visible and the more  "Time remaining" on the Google Maps app decreases, my anticipation rises.

I feel our car coming to a halt. That's the final stop. David cuts off the ignition, letting me know that we have reached Stanford. And that it's about time I face my demons. Will she slap me? I chuckle. With Jo anything is possible.  She may slap me and then kiss me, that's how unpredictable she can be.

"You ready mate?"

I want to nod. I want to say.."Yes I am ready". But I say or do nothing, which further proves to David that today's theme is.."Less talk..More Patience".

We get down from David's truck to get our bags. David booked us a hotel room for the night and tomorrow was our flight back home. Until 2 months ago, I called Jo as my home. Now, I call my apartment back at Duke as my home.

Nervously I walk toward the entrance. The guard at the entrance asks for our identity and if we are students at the university. David jumps in to answer all the questions asked by the security, giving me some time to look around the campus. It's huge. And there are students everywhere. Looking at the big "Stanford" logo, I do understand what the huge deal is about this university.

It's one of the most reputed universities in the country and offers world-class programs that land students with great jobs. I still remember the day, Jo told me about the medical program at Stanford and how it was her dream to get in.

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