Dose of Jealousy...

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Jo's Point of View...

Ashley visiting me last week has been the highlight of my tasteless life. Even if I have Lucas with me here in Maverick, still having someone of the same gender who has known you since your childhood days sit differently.

Last week was spent with Ashley, talking about how she has been doing without me and Lucas in her life, what way she misses me, what way I miss her, and her telling me about this new boy who she has been crushing upon, I guess with Lucas moving away, Ashley finally realized it was time to move on from her childhood crush too. A lot has changed ever since I moved away. Ashley who was always cheerful, and full of life, for once seem to be lost and maybe sad. I know my decision of transferring to Maverick City with Lucas was not fully welcomed by Ashley but at least in another 6 months, we will be reunited again for College where she, me, and Lucas will share an apartment outside of the college campus. That has been decided since we were 6 years old.

6 months...yes...only 6 more months and then I will head to college. With my friends. I will move away from Maverick City...and most importantly from a certain emerald eye boy...Hero.

How quickly these 5 months went away, I had no idea. It seems like yesterday, Lucas, Aunt Sydney and I moved here. In these 5 months, I met Hero, tried to know him, spent time with him, fell in love with him, and fell out of love, if that's ever possible. Every day, I walk from our school corridor, and I find him, surrounded by the same group of people, his people. His girlfriend, Amanda, the most popular girl in Maverick High, dating the most popular guy in Maverick High, seems correct to me. And, I wondered why Hero seemed embarrassed to be seen with me.

As I stand in front of my bedroom mirror, I know why he was embarrassed. You put me on a comparison pan with Amanda, I never stood any chance. I was a distraction for him, someone he used over the summers to spend his free time with. I know now, Hero and I was never a reality, it was a false dream, the possibility of which I dreamt in my head.

I need to move on. Even Ashley made me promise her the same before she went back home. And that I will do. I will move on. In the six months that I have left here at Maverick High, I will spend them exploring new opportunities, and new friendships. One of them is Rachel. She has been nothing but a great friend to me. She has supported me from the beginning, but she is at times a bit too much, but again, who I am to complain?

I see myself for the last time in the mirror, fully satisfied with the new look, that Ashley deliberately got me, I take my backpack from my bed and head downstairs to join Aunt Sydney in the kitchen, hoping to help her. Aunt Sydney has been ill and was in bed most of the time last week. It was only last Sunday when she looked better. Ashley has been a great help as she not only helped me with household chores but helped to maintain a cheerful home environment for us all. Lucas shockingly missed Ashley after her departure.

"Good morning, Aunt Sydney, How you are feeling today?"

Aunt Sydney stops whatever she was doing, and turns to give me a weak smile.

"Better, feeling much better. Sit down, Jo, I will give you breakfast."

"Where is Lucas, any idea?"

I ask as I take my seat. Aunt Sydney comes with a plate full of freshly cut fruits and Chocolate pancakes.

"Oh..he already left honey. He said he has an early morning practice session."

I just nod as Aunt Sydney puts two plates of breakfast on the table. Before I can ask, who is the other person joining us, uncle Rick enters the kitchen. I look at his appearance. He must have showered as his hair was still wet, and he is wearing a blue t-shirt that fits him perfectly, even in his late 30s, he has maintained his physique, no wonder both of his sons, own a prodigy of good looks and great physique, as it's said, like father, like Son.

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