Secrets to keep part-2

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Hero's point of view...

Jo and I continue to swim for a while, in silence, neither of us says anything, enjoying the moment, the warm lake water, nature, and our surroundings.

Whatever I said to Jo, it's true though. If I am drafted early to college, I can give my draft money for Aunt Sydney's treatment. I don't like Lucas and I will never forgive my father for cheating on my mother and having another family which he kept a secret. But I cannot hold my grudges against someone who is ill and has countable days left. And most importantly, Aunt Sydney means the world to Jo. Anyone important to Jo is important to me. And I will do anything in a heartbeat for Jo.

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt splashes of water on my face. I turn to see, Jo laughing at me as she continues to splash my face with water. Even her laughter is like music to my ears.

I swim across the lake to tackle Jo and within seconds, she is pulled upwards, my arms wrapped around her naked skin, and she is trying everything to free herself from my hold. But the more she tries, I tighten my hold on her, not letting her go. I start to tickle her sides with my fingers and her laughter echoes through the silence of the woods we are currently at.

We make out and swim for a while and as much as I want to make love to Jo, I know that has to wait. We will be staying the night together so we do have plenty of time to get to the "Making love" part.

Yes, it's "Making love". Not just sex. Nothing is just sex when it comes to Jo. The girl I love. I love her and I make sure she gets to know that every day, every hour, every minute, every second and every moment we spend together. What I feel for her, it's beyond definition.

Knowing it's almost afternoon, I swim to the shore and signal Jo to follow me. As much as it's fun to swim in the open, I know the lake water won't remain warm for long. She swims swiftly and as she reaches the shore, I help her get out of the lake. Both of our clothes are soaked and drenched in water, by clothes I mean my boxers and Jo's 2-piece swimsuit, in which she looks sexy. And through the linen material of my boxers, my bulge is visible. Swimming with Jo and the little make-out session we had, had my Cock go hard for her and the Shy Smile Jo has on her face confirmed to me that she has seen how much I want her right now. We had sex already, we had seen each other naked multiple times and yet a simple sight of my bulge through my boxers had Jo going all shy on me. I mentally laugh at my girlfriend's innocence and I am the lucky bastard to have all of her.

We quickly change out of our wet underwear into dry, warm clothing.

"Jo can you set up the mattress and lunch, in the meantime, I will bring wood for a bonfire."

She nods and busies herself in setting the mattress and food. I do feel sceptical about leaving Jo alone but I know no one comes here and Jo is smart enough to tackle any situation on her own. She is self dependent and it's one of several qualities I love about her.

I take my mini-axe out of my bag and before I head towards the woods, Jo calls me out.

" safe. Please."

I turn, smile at her and head towards the woods. I decided to not go too far and collect the needed items from near our tent location, that way I could easily reach Jo if she needed my help. I collect logs of dry wood, dry leaves, a combination of small and large twigs and some stones. By the time I am back to our tent, Jo has already set up the mattress and lunch out in containers for us to eat. I smile as I carry the Bonfire items, drop them closer to our tent and Join Jo. Bending I share a quick kiss with Jo and then get comfortable on the mattress.

"Have you done this before..?" Jo asks, looking surprised by the amount of bonfire items I have collected.

I pick up a cherry and put it in my mouth, enjoying the amused look on Jo's face.

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