Secret to keep..Part -1

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Jo's Point of View...

1 month Later..

It's been 1 month since Aunt Sydney collapsed and it's been 2 weeks since we brought her back from the hospital.

I remember the morning she woke up. It was the next day, Hero and I stayed at the motel. We just got out of our morning shower when the hospital receptionist called my cell phone. We both were clad in towels when I ran to the bedside table to attend the call. I watched Hero Change while speaking to the receptionist. I felt guilty about my aunt's health whereas my mind was clouded with thoughts about my hot boyfriend who tore down his towel to change into his fresh grey boxers, right in front of me.

The night before, we had sex in the bathtub and the next morning, we had sex in bed, before Hero went down on me in the shower. Hero has been the best distraction I could have wished for while I tried to understand the severity of the situation.

Aunt Sydney was diagnosed with stage-2 brain cancer, which added to her collapsing in the kitchen. I held Lucas's hands the entire time, while the doctor narrated Aunt Sydney's health report. Hero and Uncle Rick stood behind us, giving us much-needed moral and physical support without any physical contact or verbal texts.

For the first time, I realized how someone's life can be changed within minutes. I saw Lucas's life changing right in front of my eyes. Aunt Sydney meant the world to him and knowing your mother may have only a few months to survive, isn't something he expected to hear.

And then comes my secret. Hero dating me, if Lucas gets to know that, then it will destroy him. And therefore, Hero and I decided to date in secret. I started tutoring Hero soon after Aunt Sydney came home, that's the only time I got to see him and the only time we got to act as a couple.

I mostly tutor Hero at his house when his mother is at work, which allows us to make out, which usually escalates to groping, shedding of clothes and eventually to sex. In the past month, I had more sex than I could have ever imagined. Our dating in secret has made Hero more horny and our tutoring sessions usually end up with him on top of me or me on top of him.

And today, Hero has decided to take our tutoring sessions at "Our Spot". Yes, the place where for the first time, I let Hero touch me intimately. It's been one month of us dating and it felt appropriate for us to revisit the place where it all started.

"Can't you stay..? I might need your help with my schoolwork."

I laugh as I pack my bag, secretly pushing my swimsuit inside it. If Lucas sees what I just packed along with my books, he will have a thousand questions for me to answer, which I am not ready to face.

"Hello still talking here.."

Luc waves his hands across my face bringing my attention back to him. I face Luc and see him still sitting in the same spot on my bed, where he was 15 minutes ago.

" don't need me. You are smart enough to do your assignments. Hero, on the other hand, can't. It's just helping him with his grades so that he can pass high school and can play college Basketball."

I felt so bad for lying to my best friend. But as it's said, if you lie to save someone from heartache, then those lies are all justified. For the first time in my life, I am dating someone and I can't share that experience with my day 1.

"He is so full of shit. Do you know he broke up with Amanda? And he told her that the reason he was breaking up with her was because he was in love with someone else."

Now, Lucas has my complete attention. Did Hero tell that to Amanda when he broke up with her? That he is in love with me. I know he loves me. He says that every time we kiss or fool around or have sex or spend time together but I didn't know he said that to Amanda. Yes, he did mention that he is in love with the girl who was sleeping in his bed but I thought that was a joke.

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