Face off...Part -1

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Josephine's Point of View...

It's been a week he never came back. I thought what we had was special. But, I guess I was wrong. I should have known. All my responses to the questions asked by him. About love. About wanting to have a family of mine someday. My responses could have scared anyone, let alone it is Hero.

The moments we spent together felt too intimate to me. But, I guess for him it was a way to occupy his free time. I enter my room and start to undress. I quickly strip out of my work clothes and get comfortable with a plain white tank top and my favorite sky blue plain pajamas.

I dim my bedroom lights and was about to hop on my bed to watch a movie when I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I pull my body up from my bed and walk to my bedroom door to open it. And, there stands my best friend Lucas. I keep the door wide open and walk back to my bed. I hop again on my bed and put my laptop aside to make some space for Luc to sit.

"You home early.."

Lucas's observation catches me off guard.

"No, I am not. I have been coming home at the same time, for the last 4 days, Luc."

"Yes, for the last 4 days. But, what about last week?"

Damn, he notices everything about me.

"Well, they hired another person to help me out, so, now I get to leave a bit early and on time. Plus, I told my supervisor that it gets too late for me to reach home and my aunt worried about me, so, he helped me out."

"You got a nice supervisor."

I just nod. I cannot believe it, I just lied to my best friend/ distant cousin about my whereabouts. But, again he doesn't need to know everything about my life. And, what am I supposed to tell him? For the last 1 week, I have been talking to this guy, who shares the same name as his archenemy and the guy who stood me up. No way, I am telling him that. He will make fun of me until the day I die.

"Excited about tomorrow's session?"

I ask him. Lucas is meeting his basketball team tomorrow for the first time and he has been sweating like a pig about that. I don't understand. What maximum can happen? His team will not like him initially but when they will see him play, how amazing player he is, everyone will come around. Aunt Sydney and I have been telling Lucas the same thing, but he just doesn't want to believe us.

"A little nervous." He sighs heavily.

"Common.Luc. What max can happen? They will strip you down and kick your ass, let them. At least they will know, you got a nice ass.."

Lucas chuckles as I swat his arm.

"You do realize how creepy and weird it sounds right? You talking about me butt naked."

"Buddy, I am the only girl in the universe who saw you naked, and yet nothing happened."

"It was one time..Jo.."

"It was your fault.."

Now, Luc turns and faces me.

"How was it my fault?"

"Who walks out of the shower naked?"

"I forget my towel and since I knew that I was alone at home, for me the coast was clear."

"Yes, but you knew I was on my way to your home for homework and yet you decided to not only have your shower but also walk out naked."

"I just returned from my basketball practice and I was drenched in sweat and then you called and insisted on coming for assignment and I told you, no, but you can't take 'No' as an answer. What was I supposed to do?"

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