All Your's

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Jo's point of view..

I am still looking for Hero, but he is nowhere to be seen. He left with Jules and considering the amount of time since the last time I saw him, I should have known better.

So he can go and have sex with random girls but not with me. I laugh mentally. Again the smart girl is the naive one. I thought he liked me. And that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. But, I was wrong. I am always wrong. It's like trying to swim against the ocean waves. No matter how much I try with Hero, I am never enough. I will never be enough. And now I am done trying. I need to move on from this fantasy of mine that Hero and I can be anything more than friends. Are we even friends? Good question, I should rather ask Hero to face another rejection.

"Are you listening? Jo?"

Rob gets my attention as he waves his right hand in front of my face.

"Jo..are you still with me?"

Instantly a feeling of guilt engulfs me. Here, I am sitting with an amazing guy like Rob, and my mind keeps going back to Hero.

I nod. But I doubt I remember anything he has been telling me. The last thing I remember is him telling me how he got into MIT.

"What you were telling me, sorry I lost you for a moment."

"It's ok..I am getting a feeling, I am boring you with my stories of my time at MIT." Rob laughs a nervous laugh and brushes his fingers over his forehead. A habit that Hero has. Again, my pathetic mind takes me back to Hero.

"No..No. It's ok. MIT sounds fun. So a tech genius like you might have tons of following."

Rob looks at me with confusion as if he doesn't understand my compliment.

"I mean you are good with coding and you look hot.." I mentally smack myself. Just seconds ago I zoned out on him and now I am telling him that he looks hot.

Rob and I laugh at my utter nonsense move.

"So you think I am hot?" Rob holds a smirk that looks very familiar. Hero. He has the same mischievous, flirty smirks whenever someone boosts his ego.

Before I can respond, from the corner of my eye, I see Hero entering the venue with Jules trailing behind him. I look at Hero's un-tugged shirt and Jules's wrinkled dress and their disheveled looks, they are seething "We just have sex" look. I feel disappointed in myself. I keep repeating the same mistake of trusting Hero and every time he disappoints me.

Hero is looking around when he captures my attention. His green emerald eyes fall upon me and the green emerald shade turns a tone darker as he sees Rob sitting close to me. He doesn't look back at Jules and walks straight towards me and Rob.

"I see you find another FT. So that's your interest? First Lucas, then me, and now my brother Rob.."

Hero fires his angry acquisition, catching both, of me and Rob completely off-guard.

I look at Rob with confusion and he looks down, shaking his head with a faint glimpse of a light smile on his handsome face.

"Good to see you too, little bro."

"Why the fuck you two are talking?"

I am now more confused. I don't understand to whom Hero is talking. And little bro? Seriously. Rob and Hero are related?

Rob solves my confusion to a certain extent with his explanation.

"Hero and I are cousins. My mother and Hero's mum are cousins too. So we are related kind of."

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