Girl of my dreams...

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Hero's Point of View...

I enter my home to find the front door already unlocked. It's strange as mom never keeps the front door unlocked. A sudden panic rushes over my body and I run inside without caring to open my shoes near the shoe cabinet, the way mom prefers. I run at full speed to reach the kitchen only to find my mother cutting vegetables and preparing dishes for dinner.

She looks at me and smiles and then her smile fades as she sees me in my shoes inside her house.

" many times do I have to tell you that you are not supposed to wear outside shoes inside our house? "

I raise my hands in defense.

"Sorry, mom. I just panicked. I came and saw the front door unlocked and open. It has never happened. You always keep the front door locked."

" was because.."

Before my mother could complete it, I see my father stepping down from upstairs with two big bags. His bags.

"You moving out. Now?"

"Hero please listen to us.."

"Listen what? Dad, I am sorry about what I said today, but, you can't leave us. We are your family."


Mom cuts off dad.

"Rick tell Hero the truth."

"Merry don't make me do that. Not now. Not today."

"We have to tell him either today or tomorrow. He is turning 17 soon, he deserves to know the truth. Tell him or I will."

"Mom...Dad..what's going on?"

"Hero your father has something to tell you. Rick tell him. Now. "

"Hero please come with me. I need to tell you something."

"Here. You tell him here, in front of me. I don't want you telling our son any more lies and fake promises."

"Seriously, Merry. You think that low of me?"

Mom looks at Dad with cold eyes and an expressionless face.

"Honestly, I don't know you anymore."

Dad sighs in defeat and drops the two bags he was holding on the wooden flooring.

"Hero I told you. Me and your mother, we will split. I am moving out as I will be living separately now."

Mom chuckles and gets my attention.

"What's there to laugh?"

Dad returns to mom with a helpless glare. Mom scoffs.

"Because that's not the truth. Tell him the truth. He will be 17 soon, he is no longer a baby."

Dad sighs again and this time looks me straight into my eyes.

"Hero I will be moving out as I will be living with Sydney, your stepmother, and Lucas, your stepbrother. "

I hear what my father tells me and then everything goes numb. I don't feel my hands. I don't feel my legs. My skin runs cold. I feel numb. I feel nothing.

He will be living with my stepmother and brother. What does that even mean?

"You what?"

I raise my voice as I ask my father for confirmation of his own words which he uttered to me seconds ago.

"You heard me, son. I have another family to look after. And I have to think about them too. So, therefore I am moving out. Look, I am sorry."

"Another family. My stepmother and brother? Are you serious? Please tell me you are joking. That all of today has been a joke or a bad dream, and I just need some slaps on my face to wake up. PLEASE."

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