I see him...

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Jo's Point of View...

"So let me get this straight, you saw a dream where you were fucking your best friend's estranged brother/arch-rival."

I just nod as Ashley and I sit together at a restaurant and discuss my sex dream of Hero.

"You really wanna do him?"

I almost choke to death as Ashley bluntly asks me if I want to fuck Hero.

"Ash..filter. Please."

"Girl you just told me minutes ago that you had a very detailed sexual experience with your best friend's half-brother."

"It was a dream Ash, not reality. In reality, Hero has a girlfriend and she is not me. Also, it's inappropriate of me to have such kind of dreams."

"Why? You are straight, aren't you?"

I throw my piece of lemon from my juice glass towards Ashley which she easily dodges.

"Obviously, I am into guys. That's not my point. I mean I can't have such dreams, knowing they will never come true and also I am best friends with Lucas, it's wrong of me to think about Hero that way."

"You can't help who you want or not want Jo. If you are attracted to Hero, that should not be a problem for Lucas. I mean if he is your best friend, he should support your relationship with Hero."

"Well that's a thing, I am not Hero's type. He is into Cheerleaders, not into girls like me. Plus there is too much history between him and Lucas, I don't want them to hate each other more because of me. It's better if I keep my emotions and feelings up to myself."

"So what's your plan? To get under someone just to get over someone?"

The second time I choke as I try to finish my drink. I put down my glass and just push it away.

"Sorry I can't help it, Jo. It's ridiculous, you are 17, Hero is hot, you have sex dreams about him, what's the big deal?"

"Big deal is that I shouldn't be having such dreams for a guy who I can never have and most importantly who will never want me, the way I would want a guy to want me."

"Jo you are not telling me something here. I can sense it. Tell me honestly, you, before this dream had no idea, who Hero was?"

"I knew who he was, Lucas can't shut up about how much he hates Hero. How much he loathes him. It's just that with me having these types of dreams about Hero just complicates everything."

"Jo, either you go and get him, or else just forget about it. It's just a dream. He must be hot and you may have seen him somewhere and that explains with you having these dreams."

Nervously I tuck my lower lip and bite them, a childhood habit that I do when I am nervous or anxious or when I wanna say something but doesn't know how to say it. And Ashley knows that, she looks at me and gives me her- "Spill the truth" look.

"Ok..yes..there is more."

I am finally about to confess to Ashley that it's more than a sex dream with Hero. I do have true feelings for him. I don't know if it's love but it's more than some teenage, lustful fantasy of mine for him.

"We kind of dated each other over the summer."

As I finish, I get no response from Ashley. When I look up, I find her just sitting like a statue with her face masking an unreadable expression. I keep looking at her hoping she would say something but nothing happens.

"Ash..you need to say something. That's how it works...I tell you something and you tell me what you think about it. It's called Normal Human functioning."

But in response, I only get a slap on my expecting hands, followed by a shoulder push. Which is further followed by a loud gasp from my best friend.

"Get..the hell out. You already lost your V-Card to Mr. Hot Shot and that explains why you dream about doing him again, obviously, this time it was more cranky. How was he?"

I am seriously disappointed with my best friend's judgment. I tell her that I kind of dated Hero and her mind rallied in a different direction.

"Ash I never had sex with him."

"What? You are still a virgin?"

I move across the table to shut my friend, seriously, I should gift her something to shut her up for her upcoming birthday.

"Ash..do you have any bone in your body to tone down your voice. Why not you take a microphone to announce to everyone sitting here that I am still a virgin."

"I am sorry..but my best friend just told me that she dated one of the hottest guys I have ever seen in my life and that she is still intact from the inside, either you are not straight or he is gay or there must be some serious biological problem, you are having which you don't know yet."

"Look Ash I don't know if what I had with Hero qualifies for us to be dating. "

"Explain it, Jo. Why do you think that?"

"Well for starters he was already in a relationship. The times we spend time together, we were always alone and then the only time we were seen together by his friends, he acted like I am just a random girl he is getting acquainted too and humiliated me in front of his friends. And now that School has started, I know he never stopped dating Amanda, which means whatever we had over the summer, was never real. He played with me and my emotions and as per the traditional rule book of dating someone, I should stay far away from Hero."

Ashley just sits and listens to her best friend ranting about a guy, which she finds Hot.

"Well..what if it was real?"

I jerk my head up to look at my best friend to find Hero. He sits in front of me, his dark emerald eyes shining brightly under the sunlight as he looks at me.

"What if it was true?"

I can't move. Am I dreaming? It has to be a dream. Hero cannot be here.

"Jo...what if I truly loved you and you just walked away from us..from me."

No..I never walked away from him. That's a lie. I liked him and I told him so. He was the one who was embarrassed to be seen with me.

"Jo...I do miss you..I miss us. Do you miss me??"

How can he even ask me that? Obviously, I miss him. I miss us.

"Jo...Jo...are you ok?"

And just like that, I am proven wrong again. Hero wasn't here, it was just a dream about him.

"Ash..umm..did you say something??"

"Yes, I said are you ok?"

"No..I am ok. Did you ask me something before ?"

"Yes...what if what you and Hero had was real?"

I just shake my head with a blissful smile tugging my face. No, it can never happen. He is a boy, who will always be out of reach for me. He has a great future ahead of him. Tomorrow, he will get drafted into NBA and then he will be famous. He will have no room for a girl like me. And, I can't blame him for not wanting me, the way I want him to.

"Ash..sometimes it's better to bottle up your emotions and not say them out loud. That way, you will never be vulnerable to being hurt by anyone."

----Author's Note-----
I know I promised too many an update within this week and here is one for you all. Don't worry, I have been busy with my personal life and slowly I am trying to get back to my normal self. I hope you all would like this update. Stay tuned, interesting things are about to happen.

Do you all feel like, a jealous Hero would be interesting to read..😉😉. If yes, then the wish will be granted soon. Stay tuned.

Please comment and vote to keep letting me know that you all want a quick update.

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