I really like her...

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Hero's Point of View...

"So you asked her out.."

I ignore my over-the-top, overbearing, nosy, unbearable best friend and jump to slam my next basket.

"What's the count??"


"Good..keep counting.."

"Great so you are dodging my question.."

"No, I am not dodging your question.."

"Then what you are doing.."

"I am simply ignoring you.."

"Hero..you can't keep doing that.."

"Doing what?"

"You know a girl named Amanda who is also your girlfriend.."

"And what does Amanda have to do with anything?"

"You asked Josephine out on a romantic trip if Amanda gets to know about that, how do you think she will respond."

I turn to face Rob, who now sits holding my count watch, judgment reflecting in his eyes. I leave the basketball at its place on the ground and walk towards my best friend. Rob and I have been friends since we were walking in diapers and I can tolerate anything but no judgment from my best friend. I pick up my T-shirt and rather than wearing it, I use it to swipe my body sweat. Usually, you don't see hot days in North Carolina but surprisingly it's getting warmer day by day. Must be global warming or something. Like I care. Playing basketball on warm sunny days like today is the best way to work out.

"You are judging me?"

"Should I?"

"No..you shouldn't. I am not doing anything wrong. It's not like I am cheating on Amanda or anything. It's just a road trip."

"Road trip with the girl you were head over heels in the summer break. And to remind you, the girl you jerked off while dreaming of having sex with her.."

I roll my eyes as Rob reminds me of my sex dream with Jo. I seriously should consider stopping telling everything Rob for once.

"It was a dream..it meant nothing. Haven't you ever jerked off dreaming about Rey or Henry..hell you dreamt about me after you saw me naked in the shower at school?"

"That doesn't mean anything..I am gay and you knew I was there and still, you stripped off in front of me and joined me in the shower...that was borderline creepy and stalker-ish behavior from your end."

I laugh as I remember the day I joined Rob in the school shower after he told me he was gay. I tested Rob and he passed with flying colors.

"I will never forgive you for that Hero.."

I laugh hard as Rob elbows me away.

"But dude seriously if you are into Josephine,  why don't you break up with Amanda and pursue her full-time."

"Because..because..I don't know Rob..Jo is different. She is not like other girls and I don't know if I can have someone like her in my life."

"Why don't you break up with Amanda and see if you can have a future with Josephine."

"Amanda is always available,  I can't end things with her to pursue someone like Jo who I don't even know if she likes me anymore after what I did to her."

"She volunteered to help you..hasn't she?"

"That was Jo helping me because my father asked her to. She would have never come to me to help me with her own. She was pretty clear the last time that she wanted nothing to do with me."

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