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Hero's point of view...

I woke up about an hour ago but had no will to leave the comfort of the bed as I lay with the beautiful blonde girl who occupied every second of my day as all I could think about was her.

Last night was perfect. And the smile I woke up with was the witness to the same. We waited enough to give each other completely. Well, I waited. Jo was ready to give herself to me a long time ago.

I turn to see her blonde hair sprawled across the pillow she has her head on. She is still sleeping but I can see her smile that is plastered upon her beautiful face. She must be dreaming. But what? Is it about me? Is it about us? Or is it about last night?

Well, last night was magical. Sex with Jo wasn't just sex. I never felt that much intimacy with anyone in my life as I felt with Tessa. Also, maybe, it was the first time I had sex with anyone without a condom. As wild as it sounds we did have sex without any protection and it was perfect. I guess it's true. Sex with the correct person is the best thing that can ever happen to you. And it did. For me. Jo is the one for me.

Speaking of relationships, I do know I have to break up with Amanda. It was a long time coming anyway. She most probably knew that too. And, when I have Jo, I can not keep hiding myself and my true emotions in the shadows of a fake relationship. 

Convincing Lucas will be difficult.  I know that. He hates me and I don't like him either. But Jo is most important to me in my life. So, if it means I have to tolerate Lucas for the sake of Jo, then I will do that in a heartbeat. Plus, convincing Lucas isn't my department.  It's Jo's. She must know how to handle him. She has been tolerating him for so long. I chuckle. Jo would slap my butt if she knows mentally I am cursing Lucas. How can he be friends with Jo? That's something I would never understand.  I mean it is good that they never felt romantically toward each other, that's why I have Jo all to myself but still. How can someone be just friends with her?

I look at her. I mean she is gorgeous. Any guy would be lucky to have her. And I have her. I almost lost her, thanks to my stubbornness. But, thank goodness, I came out of my stupid stubborn attitude and went for the girl I always wanted. And now she is all mine.

I drop a kiss on the bare shoulder of Jo and she moves, making her back rub against my dick. I am already hard, because of my morning wood, and the constant friction it's having from Jo's back-rubbing behavior isn't helping my case either. I want to take her right now but I know last night was exhausting and how can I forget the midnight rounds we went to? Yes, Jo was horny and so was I. So, without thinking much we had a couple more rounds of amazing sex. It's like ever since my dick touched Jo's inner walls, it's on auto-alert. I never felt so much horny in my life. Ever. But, Jo needs rest. I am sure. Plus, I have to pee and then break up with Amanda.

Should I break up with her over the message or should I send her a voicemail?  Or should I call her? Either way, it has to happen. I pull off the comforter from my body and instantly get hit by the cold temperature of the room. The comforter was warm. Plus, Jo and I were naked, so our bodies remained warm from our body heat. I had never slept naked right next to a girl after sex. Usually, I bolt out after sex, or I have the girl leave and with Amanda, after having sex with her, I used to slip off my boxers. She used to sleep naked sometimes but I never did. But, with Jo everything was different.  Not only do we have multiple rounds of sex without protection but I slept with my dick buried inside Jo's warm pussy for a while. And that feeling was unimaginable.

She again moves, this time rubbing her ass with my back. She is gonna kill me. I am sure. Reluctantly I leave the bed, slip off my boxers from last night, and enter the washroom to pee.  After completing my morning routine, I exit the washroom to find Jo still sleeping. She has now occupied my side of the bed and has her face buried into my pillow. Her blond hair is all over her beautiful face and she has a smirk on her face. God only knows what she is dreaming about.

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