Missing her...

396 36 8

Hero's Point of View...

2 weeks later...

"Stop Sulking, it doesn't suit you."

I stop playing and put down my controller to look at my best friend. Rob is gay but somehow he always ends up as my shrink/ lifetime advisor. He always has answers for matters related to the heart.

I scoff as I respond..."Who is Sulking?"

Rob doesn't stop playing and somehow makes another point in our current game of the NBA Live.

"The fact that you are poorly getting your ass kicked in a virtual game of NBA live, the game in which you master perfection and the game that you never lose, my dear pal you are sulking and I know it's about that girl."

"She has a name, you know."

"What was her name?.. Jasmine? Julia? Jessie?

Rob knows how to push my button. The bastard knows very well Jo's name but he is doing this to act all smart and to get a response from me. But he isn't getting any from me for sure.

"Janine? Jessica? Jules? Jane?"

"Jo...Josephine, that's her name, and don't act like you don't know her."

I gave up... when it comes to Jo, I am a lost case and Rob knows that very well. For the past two weeks, I had to watch her hanging out with that Christian guy, I always thought him to be gay, because he never dated any girl at our school, neither him sleeping with any girl from our school ever witnessed in our school's gossip websites or chat groups, but obviously what were the odds? It had to be Jo, the first girl he ever got interested in who goes to our school. Bastard.

Rob puts down his controller and pauses the game which I was hardly playing.

"And the fact that for the last two weeks, you haven't got laid. That must be a new world record for you, going without sex for almost more than 2 weeks."

I again scoff and stand up from my bed, throwing my controller over the mattress.

"Who said I am not having sex."

"Ohh? Then who is the lucky girl who got the famous Hero Fiennes Tiffin to her bed? Because last time I checked, your girlfriend was complaining to her friends that you two haven't gotten sexually intimate for the last two weeks and also the fact that no other girl at our school has proudly flashed the fact that they got your dick inside them for the week. Common Hero, don't lie to your best friend."

"Fuck you, Rob."

"My pleasure. I am your best friend but I am gay and I always wanted to know what was all the fuss about you anyways. So you wanna do that here, in your bedroom or mine?"

"Can you please shut up? Was Amanda actually telling her friends about us not having sex?"

"You think I would lie to you about that? Dude, you must be sulking badly because I can guarantee you it's all over the school. Some gossip websites are even having a bet that how long you will go without sex, some are saying you must be fucking someone outside of school because you going without sex for 2 weeks is impossible, I can bet by now even Jo must have read all those rumors."

"Fuck. And I don't think she must have heard those rumors. She is not the type of girl who would fall for rumors or would read gossip websites."

"Bro she has been hanging out with Rachel ever since she joined our school and we all know, Rachel is a walking talking Encyclopedia for town gossip. She knows."

"What should I do?"

"What?" Rob stares at me like he has seen a ghost.

"What should I do?" I repeat my question for my idiot friend.

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