Waking up in his arms...

487 31 14

Jo's Point of View...

I open my eyes as the combination of morning Sunrays and cold breeze strikes my naked skin. As my eyes get adjusted to the bright morning sunlight, I take in my surroundings. I can feel the sandy nature of the surface underneath me, letting me know that I didn't sleep in my comfy bedroom, I can hear the sound of water waves splashing against each other as they fall from a certain height to meet the ground, letting me know that wherever I slept last night, it was close to mother nature, and as I turn, I can feel the heavy weight of someone's arms, draped across my stomach and his presence across my neck as he breathes peacefully, as he has never slept so peacefully in the past several weeks.

That's when memories from last night come flooding in, confirming that I spend the night with Hero. Not at my home, not in my bedroom, but with Hero, in his arms.

I try to move but fail miserably as the weight of Hero's arms and his body drags me down. I try again without waking him up, but my attempt makes Hero a bit uncomfortable and he mumbles my name in sleep and goes back to his peaceful slumber.

This whole experience is too surreal for me. I have never spent a night with a guy, let alone in another person's arms. If someone watches us, they will think we are a couple. I know Hero mentioned that no one ever comes up here and I am the only person who he has shown this place, but I can't stop my mind from wondering.

What does this mean for us? That's the biggest question that comes to my mind. Yesterday, Hero kissed me, I kissed him back, he asked me out on a date and then took me here, to his favorite spot, and we for the first time had a real conversation, it was like Hero was baring all his piled up emotions to me and then when I thought our night was over, he asked me to stay with him and what shocks me is the fact that I agreed. I spent the night with him, in his arms.

I should ask Hero once he wakes up, what we should call our situation. I can't stop thinking that he may have a girlfriend. I mean it's him, we are talking about. He is good-looking, he plays basketball, he is fit as I can run my fingers over his naked skin and can feel all his muscles, he has a charm that I believe no girl can say 'No' to, and the fact that Jocks and Cheerleaders, that's like a match made in heaven thing, so, I cannot stop thinking that he definitely would have pass relationships with all the cheerleaders at his school.

And then there is me. I am far from the typical 'Cheerleader' type of girl description. I love studying, I don't do many sports, and let's be honest, I am a rookie when it comes to dating or relationships or sex. Just the realization of having sex with a guy makes me nervous. Knowing Hero, it's obvious he is quite experienced with Sex, and knowing if we continue what we have currently, soon, he would expect that from me. Is this what he wants? Just a casual summer fling? What if after the summer is over, he will ignore my presence in his life? What if he feels ashamed to be seen with me in front of his friends? What if.

Before the next.."What if", comes to my mind, I hear Hero's groggy morning voice pulling me back from my thoughts.

"Just stop.."

I look at him as he drops a wet kiss on my neck and goes back to his sleeping state. He is awake, was he awake the entire time?

"What...I didn't do anything?"

"Yes you did, you are thinking of something that has increased your heartbeats. I just want your heartbeats to go back to normal, so, that I can sleep listening to them."

"Hero it's morning already, what if someone finds us this way?"

"What way?"

"Us..sleeping together. What will they think?"

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