Chapter Twenty Three

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I regretted agreeing, the club was loud from even the outside. It was packed and had a line almost around the corner to get in. It already took us 30 minutes to get a parking space, I wasn't going to wait an hour to get into some middle class club. I honestly wanted to go home, I wanted to discuss my findings but I'm sure my men will relay the message.

"If I have to wait I might as well call a ride home" I said agitated and Ramos slugged his arm around my neck.

"Hey man don't worry, I'm a regular and I'm close with the owner" he assured me and I clicked my tongue as we stepped to the bouncer; cutting the line and getting some nasty stares.

The bouncer glanced at him and stepped aside. I guess he wasn't lying, but with how much this guy parties I'm sure there more then willing to let the guy in who buys ten drinks per second.

Walking inside, the walls were lit up with neon lights, it was a futuristic yet modern take and two story's tall. It was hard to move through the crowd and even harder to get to the bar. We finally reached it and Ramos was able to order some shots. As soon as they were administered I shot it down my throat, anything to quell this agitation.

Ramos spoke to me as he took his own shots but he was drowned out by the clubs noise, I looked around and spotted some familiar faces- people I've worked with and so on. I could tell by the colors they wore on there arm what family or gang they belonged to. Despite this there was no tension to be found, not that I could see.

"I'm gonna go find a table, you order us some more drinks" I told Ramos but he had already turned his attention to a woman who was next to him. Ramos would bring me out to parties but didn't waste time leaving me to flirt with woman.

I got out of the crowd and into the back towards the stairs, it was a lot less crowded. Walking up stairs I looked for a table, mostly everything was taken; in the back I could see large secretive booths. A VIP area I presumed, i kept waking regardless and just found myself leaning on the rail; watching the people from below.

I felt a chill run down my spine, the feeling had come out of no where. The feeling of being watched; of being unsafe. I turned my head behind me, nobody was there- at least not looking at me. I then turned my eyes towards the vip booths, there was somebody in the booth with there head turned towards me.

I couldn't make out a face, it was too dark. Maybe its someone who recognizes me, and from this creepy feeling I got we must not be on good terms. My mind went through too many faces to count of those who didn't quite get along with me.

"There you are man! When did you leave?" Ramos asked me looking out of breath handing me my drink. I took it and sipped it, the taste of alcohol always brought back memories of my first party- back when me and Damien were close.

"I told you I was looking for a spot, no tables" I told him shrugging my shoulders. He rolled his eyes but nudged me on my shoulder.

"Hey I met this girl and get this, her guy friend is also gay-" he explained to me and I heavy sighed.

"Oh here we go" I muttered, not the first time he's tried this.

"Oh come on! Let loose- I know you've been stressed. Between your dad and your brother, you don't seem to get a break" he said and I responded by finishing my glass. More talk about things I'd rather ignore.

Though he was right, on one hand my father wanted me to get more involved then I am, but on the other Craven did what he could so I wasn't involved; that included contacting Ramos to drag me around.

"Go get me another drink and tell that girl I'm good" I said pressing my glass into his chest. He sighed and nodded.

"A couple more of these and you'll be letting loose" he said and headed back. I felt a bit bad, I knew I was raining on his parade but I didn't want to come here.

I peaked my head to see if the man from the VIP lounge was still there- he wasn't. A noticeable space was left where he was sitting, it made me feel a bit nervous. I knew this club was grey coded, no gang conflict allowed, but you never knew.

I started to walk around, the alcohol went straight through me and I had the sudden urge to piss. I walked into the mens bathroom and noticed it was empty. I entered one of the stalls and did my business, I heard someone come in, again it made me a bit cautious so I slowly came out. A man was washing his hands, his shoulders were in the way so it made it hard to see his face in the mirror

I stepped up to wash my own and I glanced at him. He looked... familiar? His side profile at least, he had a bit of 5 o' clock shadow and slicked back hair. I felt like I knew him but I couldn't think, but deep down something swelled in me.

"Take a picture it'll last long" he'd say and I jolted away from him, surprised at his voice. Even that too was familiar I knew him, I knew him well.

"Sorry, do I know you by chance?" I asked dumbly and he finally turned to look at me and my legs almost gave out. It was him-

Damien Arif.

I stepped back, not knowing what to feel as something strange bubbled up inside of me. He was here standing before me, he looked different.

Despite the reunion he looked at me with those cold dead eyes, the ones I could never forget even if I wanted to. I couldn't stay in here with him any longer, I needed to leave. Why would the Don find himself at such a club? What was the chances of me ever meeting him here?

I quickly move besides him to leave, but he caught my arm. I whipped my head to look at him, memories flooded like a bad case of deja vu.

"Let go Arif" I said seriously and tried to pull my arm again. Even with the training I got there was still a shift in strength between us.

"It's been a while, you've changed" he said sourly and it made me so annoyed I brought my foot to his shin in an attempt to kick him. He blocked my leg before impact but it made him let my arm go and I booked it right out of that restroom. Of course I changed , I'm not the same child I was back then; I'm sure he expected me to stay that naive teenager.

I pushed passed people and lost my balance a little bit. I couldn't steady myself in time before I almost landed on my face, luckily I was caught by the arm. I went to say thank you but quickly tightened my mouth when I saw who had saved me.

"What do you want" I asked seriously, Damien looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. I noticed people had there eyes trained on us. He bent low and brushed his lips against my ears that my cheeks hear up.

"Lets talk. Outside"

Sorry about the late update.
Updates will be a bit slower as I'm going to try and write out most of the chapters before I start publishing!
I estimate this book will end around chapter 40? At least that's the goal!

Well hope to see you soon! Thanks for reading every one and there is more to come!

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