Chapter Thirty

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"What's up with you" Craven said at the door to my office, I had seen less of him ever since he's been in the country side, he told me he got the deal for the land but some reason kept visiting the area. I wonder if he met someone there, he's never been very open about his romantic life but I figured it was because he never had one to begin with.

"Me? I'm fine, but what about you- for someone who always hated the country side your spending a lot of time there" I said as I minimized the tabs I had been looking at. I was looking up Aerial shots of grove county, spotted a couple warehouses in the area- I plan on visiting them and figuring out what's there. I had also looked up articles to see if anything popped up about 'The Separation' if they are a group they haven't gone public at all.

"There's just something else there that needs my attention- don't flip the conversation. You seem to be slacking on the Arif situation when just a week ago that seemed to be all you ever talked about. Now you go out late, not telling anyone where your going" He said raising an eyebrow, I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms. This fucker can't leave me alone, always has to be in other peoples business like some mother hen.

"What do you think I'm up to something? Do you not trust your own brother Craven?" I asked with a straight face and he walked over to me and slammed his hand on the desk.

"There's been sightings that Damien has been out alot more then usual, seems to be a bit coincidental don't you think? It'd be a shame if you were to be meeting up with him- break fathers heart, you just had your name legally changed so don't go and waste it" he spoke staring down at me and I stood up slamming my own hands on the desk. Our foreheads almost touched as we had a mini face off.

I was now Onyx Smit Giotto, I wasn't ready at first to get my name changed. It felt like I was betraying my mother in a way, but it's time to move on I figured.

"I would rather die then spend a second with that fucker. Instead of putting that energy into my business go deal with your fucking own." I challenged and he sneered and straightened himself.

"I'm just warning you, if somethings up and father finds out? You'll regret it" he warned and I gave an audible laugh as I sat back down in my chair and propped my legs up on the desk.

"Everytime you warn me it sounds like a threat, maybe you should change that attitude if you want people to take you seriously" i quipped and he glared and walked out of the room.

I let out a heavy sigh when the coast was clear, there on to me already. I need more time to prove somethings up, if I'm to premature there not gonna accept the reality. Craven always sticks his head somewhere it doesn't belong. I   pulled my phone from my drawer to see multiple messages and calls from Damien; having his name labeled as some random name in case someone gets my phone.

I scrolled through the messages and all I saw was don't do anything stupid, call me, I need you, alot of tempting offers but I was still agitated on the fiancé thing. We weren't together, it's not his fault, but I couldn't help but feel the overwhelming presence of disappointment and anger.

I unlocked my phone and texted him.

'We should work separately'

I got off pissed and left the room only to see Dolce stepping out of a room that was eerily close to my office. I tried to remember what was even in there for him to be there; he didn't look at me and just continued straight as if I was a ghost.

I drove at night to the warehouse, two of three. The first one was totally cleaned out and didn't seem to have been used recently, abandoned and rotting.

This second one though, was locked up and showed signs it was in use. I didn't see any cars parked out in the front, but it didn't mean someone wasn't there. I got out of my car that was parked near some bushes and sneakily crept near, the doors were locked so I circled around the side- a window was propped open and I stood up to peer inside. Lights were off but there were multiple vehicles and boxes littered inside. My hand went to my side to double check if my gun was there, I wasn't unarmed since I knew that I need something just in case.

I propped myself up and slipped through the window being careful as possible, I still didn't hear anyone but it wasn't enough to tell me I was in the clear. I used my phone screen to illuminate my way, a lot of moving vans- one that looked eerily similar. I approached it and pushed up the vans door, I could see a bunch of boxes on top of each other, I slipped in to get a closer look, the tops already propped off.

Guns, I grabbed one and looked at the model and I knew instantly this was the truck that got hijacked, these were our guns. I took pictures quickly and moved on, maybe there's something here that will tell me more- a name, a number, a log book.

I looked for a office area, I crept up to see a stair case and I followed it leading up to a room. It was too dark to see so I lit up my flashlight, to look around. It seemed someone was here recently with a jacket on the table and multiple materials out. I spotted a small book and opened it, it listed times when a truck was coming in and where said truck going. It seemed to all be going the same address, one that wasn't too far from here.

This is it, my lead. I slipped the book into my pocket and turn around and looked down a barrel of a pistol. I became stone at the man who looked almost as scared as I was.

"Don't move. You shouldn't be here" he whispered out, hand tight on the gun. I cursed inwardly, it was so quiet I hadn't heard anybody, I was too excited about new evidence to focus on my surroundings.

"I wouldn't point that at me" I said and he glared, but seemed to tremble slightly. Like he wasn't used to threatening someone.

"Put the book back and sit down. We're going to wait here till someone comes" he said and I nodded and he was quick to lower his arm. I immediately knocked his hand to the side making the gun go off and punched him in the gut, I took this as my chance to run but he was quick to recover and shoot after me. I ran down the stairs and ducked as he continued firing. I grabbed my own gun from my belt and shot back at him, trying to deter him from shooting at me.

I tried to remember where the window was as I navigated through the cars and found it, I immediately pulled myself up. I released a yell as I felt a bullet pass through my thigh, I fell through the window and landed on my side, I gritted my teeth and pulled myself up. I've gotta get out of here before anybody else shows up.

I limped to my car and heard the continuation of gun shots. I ripped the car door open and threw myself in and immediately took off in it, I bit my lip fighting off the pain in my leg.

Where do I go? Back home? How do I explain this without explaining what I was doing. I need somewhere else. Its a stupid idea but I knew there was only one place I should go.


Damn wonder where he's going ?
Also yay chapter 30! Never thought I'd get this far tbh so thanks for sticking around!
I reread the beginning half of onyx blues and almost cried at how many grammar mistakes. But it's insane that's it's been...2 years? Since I started this book!

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