Chapter Thirty Five

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I knew this man. Maybe not well but I knew him. A creep and a sleaze bag, I always knew in my gut that trusting him was a bad idea. Though to think he was working against my father, it was insane.

"Dolce" I said breathlessly and he caressed my cheek with a laugh.

"Bingo. Though you were never supposed to know about this side job of mine." He explained and I wiggled in my restraints. What is he thinking? Betraying my father, actively threatening the Arifs- how'd he even get the money to orchestrate it all.

"So your what, part of this shitty separation group? But why?" I asked seriously. He sat in front of me in a chair, his legs spread wide and a lazy look on his face.

"The more gangs fight the sloppier they get. When teeth come out, others see who's a danger and who's not." He must think he sounds so smart, he sounds like some stuck up sick fuck with this elitism bull shit.

"So all those times you saw me stressing over this Arif bullshit, it was always you?" I accused and he grinned at me. His hand rested on my knee and I felt immediate disgust from his lack of personal space.

"I always thought it was cute, seeing you run around. It would've kept moving smoothly if it wasn't for that Don, hes the one that made you play detective" he explained. He was right- if Damien hadn't reached out to me I would still be blaming him for all the attacks that have been happening.

"And where is he?" I growled out, did they kidnap Damien like they did me?

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He replied snarky, he really gets on my fucking nerves.

"How did you even know we would be there, we're you just squatting outside of the house in wait?" I accused, it just seemed suspicious. They knew we'd be there that day because they waited last second to clear house.

"Why would I? Your phone told me all I needed to know"

"You wire tapped my phone?" I was in utter shock, when the hell did he have access to my phone?

"Hey you said it not me" he thought this was funny- some big joke!

"You piece of shit! How could you do this to my father! He trusted you!" I was angry and it showed as I trembled- not in fear but in anger.

"Ahh... and here I thought you were smarter then your brother. That's a damn shame" he said, standing up. He tilted my head up to look at him and I could only see his wretched smile.

"You know, I like feisty men like you. Though your father said you were off limits, a shame" he murmured letting me go after I tried to bite his fingers.

"Just let me go and I'll show you how feisty I can get" I threatened and he grabbed a thing of duck tape and slapped it over my mouth. My eyes went wide and I tried to scream through it. He didn't care I was trying to scream, he just simply turned his back to me and went to leave the room.

"Not until this blows over. We don't need you to ruin anything else" he responded seriously shutting the door behind him. Who is we?

I looked around the room for any form of escape. I found myself surprised at how roomy it was. I wasn't in a cellar or a cold basement I was just inside a room in a house. I couldn't tell at first with how dark it was, it was still night outside.

I licked the tape, trying my best to loosen it. I comically closed and opened my lips, trying to loosen the tape. It took a couple minutes but it no longer was fully stuck to my lips.

"YWOU BWASTARDS" I screamed, was Dolce the only traitor from my family? I looked at my legs and tried to push myself over, having to use my tippy toes to even tilt it. I was able to angle myself enough to where I threw my head back.

I fell back with a crash and heard the crack of the chair piece. I grinned underneath the tape, just a bit more wiggling and I'll be able to get out of this contraption. The ropes started to loosen and I pried my hands off the chair and pulled at the rope.

I was able to pull myself out and got to my feet, stumbling forward. I looked around the room; hoping there was a weapon I could use. I pulled drawers open and spotted a... brush?

It'll have to do. I opened the bed room door and saw nobody outside in the hallway. No guards? Nothing? I snuck down the hallway and turned down a corridor. I found a long row of stairs and quickly rushed down them but instantly stopped myself.

At the end of the stair case stood a man with Dolce. A older man with dark hair with gray in it. He was dressed nicely and held tightly to his cane that was coated in gold.

"Father?" I questioned, he looked at me surprised then glanced at dolce with a glare.

"I thought you had him tied up" he growled at him and Dolce shrugged.

"I thought I did." He responded and I stepped closer in disbelief. My mouth dropped even farther when I saw Craven come around the corner.

"Don't tell me your all... in on it?" I said breathlessly and I suddenly felt a painful sting in my stomach and I dropped to my knees. My whole body fell into a literal shock as it reached every inch of my body.

I was being tazed in the stomach by my own father.

"Father what are you doing?!" Craven asked running to my side as I was in a fetal position.

"Dolce take him back up stairs. And tie him up GOOD." He threatened his second in command. Dolce wrapped his arms around me and dragged me up the stairs.

"Father explain this to me!" I could hear craven ask as I tried my hardest to look at them.

"I didn't want to tell you like this, but Onyx attacked one of our homes- with the Arifs. He's a traitor." My father lied, I couldn't hear cravens response as I was thrown back into the same room I escaped from.

"Your a slippery one huh? Lets go night night again ok?" Dolce said as he slammed his fist into my face.

Well, here's the reveal! I've planned on this from the beginning but it would've been cool too if it was Ramos or something- but I love Ramos too much to make him a villain haha

Hope you enjoy!

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