Chapter Thirty Eight

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I almost dropped to the floor as my hand went to my shoulder. Excruciating pain rang through me and I felt Damien hold me close incase I were to faint. I bit down on my teeth and my eyes trailed to see Dolces body on the ground. He was limp and unmoving.

He was dead even though a bullet never came out of my gun. I turned my head to look at Damien's gun that still had smoke coming from it.

"Good thing you shot, my guns empty" I said with a laugh and Damien grabbed my face in pure anguish to force me to look at him. His eyebrows furrowed and eyes almost watery.

Rain had started to pour and it made the whole moment feel even more surreal. Blood washed away as the rain became more heavy.

"Stop taking these risks, onyx. It's not worth it" he told me seriously, I looked into his eyes and wanted to collapse in his arms but it wasn't over. I couldn't turn in just yet there was one more person I had to deal with.

"Look at you, he's holding you back. Coddling you! Son come back to me, to the Giottos." My father said standing up, now desperately trying to appeal himself to me. He was at a disadvantage, the men here were not loyal- obviously members of separation group. Many began to put there weapons down, so they can be spared.

"I think your right, he does worry about me too much." I said and my hand reached over to Damien's gun, I gripped the hilt of it. Once again our eyes locked and he let go of his gun, putting total trust in me.

I held it tight in my hands, making sure I had a firm grasp on it. Despite all the pain I was in, The adrenaline made it feel like a mere scratch.

"You've always had potential, you are just like me Onyx. You see I know you better then everyone else, that Arif wants you to be small and feeble. But you are a born killer my boy" he continued walking closer to me, I felt his words deep down inside. There will always be apart of me that feels a sense of happiness when he praises me. The need to be seen by your parent, its something I desired as a child.

I made fun of Craven for kissing fathers ass but I had been doing the same. For years I lived knowing my father did not want me, so when I was finally given the chance to reconnect with him all those years ago I did what I could.

I pushed myself off of Damien and walked towards my father. My shoulder slightly limp, despite it all I walked forward with my head high.

"I knew you'd make the right choice, being with me. Like father like son" he said and I laughed out loud.

"I really tried my best, to be loyal to you. I took over half of your responsibilities, I learned quick, I killed even quicker. I see now that I was trying to become you" I said sadly, my clothes getting drenched in the rain and my hair partly covering my eyes.

"But I've learned something, I'm not like you at all." I continued and raised my gun, pointing it at his head.

"I'm worse" I finished and pulled the trigger sending a bullet through his skull. He fell back and slammed against the ground. I felt a void inside me as if all my emotions were gone for those fleeting seconds. He was dead, he was gone.

I never thought that this was how it would end up. Me holding the gun and him dead. It was vengeance for Damien's father and for my mother.

My mother died with only me by her side. A man who claimed to have loved her but didn't even come to say goodbye. I was only so young but I remember that she always wanted him there secretly.

I couldn't stand much longer and fell to my knees. I could feel someone lift me back up, I tried to stand but it was useless. My eyes blurred even more so at my surroundings, everything around me became one big smudge.  I tried to focus, I had to keep moving; but damage to my body had started to take its toll.

"We need to take him to a hospital" I heard muffled words, I felt like I was floating and couldn't understand much at the moment. My consciousness went in and out and I started to heard sirens as I was laid down on something. I didn't know what was going on but I do know I was going somewhere.

Hopefully somewhere far away from here.

Short chapter sorry!

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