Chapter Thirty Seven

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Me and Craven checked to see that the house was empty. We rushed outside to see sparks ahead of us, lighting up in the darkness. The sound shots accompanied them.

"Father told me the parameter would be up ahead. He told me that they'd have a whole team of gang members on the front lines waiting." he told me seriously and unease grew. How were we supposed to help now, the fight had already started and Me reaching Damien would be near impossible at this point.

I looked around and spotted a couple vehicles. More importantly I spotted Cravens vehicle.

"You ever do a hit and run?" I asked, and craven looked at me worried.

"Whatever your thinking of. It's stupid" he said seriously. It's not stupid it's just risky, and risk is all we've got.

"Just tell me where your car keys are" I asked and we stared at each other in pure silence. It was a stand off and he failed when he looked down at his pockets. He hesitantly pulled out a pair of keys and I snatched it out of his hands before he could change his mind. I clicked the unlock button to see his car flash it's head lights.

"If my car gets ruined-" he said furiously and I ran to it sliding into the drivers seat. I wasn't fully seeing straight but what I was about to do didn't require 20/20 vision.

"Just get in!" I yelled at him and slammed the door, I put in the key and revved the engine. He slid into the passenger seat and went right for the handle bar- mentally preparing himself.

I put us into gear and slammed the gas and drove down the dirt road, I could see the men in the distance and veered to the left, entering the woods slightly.

"Why the fuck are you going into the trees! Stop this fucking car!" Craven yelled getting scared as I zig zagged through the trees. I finally pulled out of the woods to get in between the men fighting.

"Hold on" I said as I spun the wheel and slammed on the break, maybe it was the giant concussion or the adrenaline but I successfully Tokyo drifted in between the two groups. Yes I did accidentally hit someone but I could see that they got up in the rear view mirror.

The shock of the car drifting in between them was enough to make everyone stop shooting, at least long enough for me to step out of the car.  I looked towards the giottos, some were behind man made barriers. I then turned towards the Arifs where I spotted Damien who was intact. The Arifs men had there own cars to hide behind.

"Onyx, this fight doesn't involve you" yelled my father through the silence. I couldn't actually see him in the dark as he was far behind his men and barricades. He wasn't there to fight- no he was just there to watch.

"I'm not going to let you do this, I am a Giotto but I won't be apart of a family that is founded on deceit" I told him seriously, he continued to remain in the darkness.

"Craven, come over here" my father redirected himself to my brother who got out of the car. He seemed frazzled, it was now he would have to choose.

Himself or father.

"I'm sorry" was all he could say and I thought he was telling me that, I was ready to see him walk to the other side but felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm with onyx" he said seriously and a loud laugh echoed through the woods.

"What a pathetic sight. Fine, have it your way." Father said and I could feel a hand at my back pulling me behind the car, I quickly turned to see Damien who then grabbed my face to investigate it.

"Fire!" Rang a voice and shots start up again, the battle continued. Damien unconsciously shielded me and I pushed him away. I didn't need to be protected, especially not in front of all these men. We were already behind the car it just added unneeded embarrassment!

"Are you ok?" Damien asked me and I slapped his hand away.

"I'm fine, we just need to focus on not getting killed" I told him and I looked over the cars cover and shot into the field of men. His very presence distracts me, if he keeps romancing me like this I don't know what I'll do.

"Are you sure?" Damien questioned and I nodded, my father was no longer my family. He needed to be removed and I'm going to be the one to do it. Me and Damien shot at the other men, nailing in a couple hits but I could tell that they had more man and gun power then us.

"We can't keep it up at this rate" I seethed but I wasn't ready to give up. Not yet.

"I know. That's why I called in reinforcements" he said and I looked at him a bit confused, was more of his men coming? Whatever help was coming they need to come fast.

Damien dragged me backwards and behind another car that was parked and was riddled with holes.

"Look at my car it's fucking ruined!" Craven said as he cocked his gun, he peered over to see his car getting blasted with bullets.

"We'll get you something else" I told him, cars should be the last thing on our minds right now.

I could hear the loud roar of trucks, and saw a couple down the road. Was this the help that's coming? They pulled up as close as they could and men came out of the car all strapped up to the nines.

I could see vaguely- someone very familiar.

"Ramos?!" I called as Damien forced me to duck my head. I could see Ramos hide behind another parked car and waved to me before shooting. I was in shock, never in my life did I think that kid would hold a gun let alone shoot it.

"How the fuck does he know how to shoot" I said truthfully and could see that with the new advancements we were gunning down more men and forcing them to move back as we grew closer.

"You don't know? He's a top marksman he just is lazy as shit" Craven explained and left us as he moved up along with the men. I felt like we were in some call of duty type shit- it was fucking insane!

Damien grabbed me by the arm and pulled me forward, as if to show that now I was the one that wasn't paying enough attention.

"Focus" he told me and I glared at him, that's what I'm trying to do!

It continued like this, bullets flying and men yelling. A total war zone- but to a lesser scale that it could've been if my fathers plan continued.  The sun started to rise and I could see better, those on the Giottos side had thinned out tremendously and some men surrendered or ran away. We were at the point where we were pretty equally matched but in low numbers.

I could see my father who looked worried as he hid behind cover. He was running out of things to hide behind- it was pathetic. He wasn't going to fight even till the end. I don't think I had ever seen him fight to begin with. He was old now and he didn't want to believe it.

"Damien tell your men to stand down." I said, there might be a way to reason with my father. He knew it too, that something had to be done before we both ended up dead. Damien did as I said and the bullets stopped, on both sides. We all could feel how draining the night had been, though we persevered.

"Onyx! It's a shame that it came to this" Dolce called out, moving out of cover. I stepped closer to him and Damien grabbed my hand and I yanked it away. This right here was my fight, I wouldn't let anyone take that away from me.

Dolce was a sick son of a bitch who got on my nerves. He's been laughing behind my back this whole time and I'm not gonna let it continue.

"Onyx" Damien said seriously and I stopped for a second.

"I have to finish this" was all I could muster out. He didn't try to stop me again as I walked up.

We both held guns in our hands, it was a stand off. Silence fell upon all of us, and before I knew we raised our guns up.

And a gun shot rang out.

I've been playing a bit to many war centered games that made this scene a bit more dramatic then necessary!

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