Chapter Seven

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I groggily walked to lunch, by myself of course, as Ramos was with his rugby friends while I was stuck by myself. I hadn't gotten much sleep, after yesterday I've had unsettling thoughts that kept me up; xxx rated ones.

I've avoided looking at Damien, it's weird but every time I look at him my face heats up and I get this weird feeling in my gut. I can't be falling for the trigger fists already.. no way not after I've seen him beat the living daylights out of people, do I have no fear?

But damn is he hot... and seemingly kind... here I go letting it get to my head again.

In my daydreaming state I didn't even notice my brother who came barreling my way in a fit of rage, who grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the nearest bathroom. I tried getting out of his grasp and telling him to let go but it was no good.

He practically pushed me into lavatory, as he told everyone to get out. Even worse, my fear spiked when he locked the door. I backed up from him towards the sinks, oh he's going to kill me for real this time.

"You bastard, I told you to stay away from me" he growled out slamming his feet on the ground and grabbed me by the jacket; slamming me against the sinks. I hissed in pain as my lower tail bone collided with the marble counter. What's his problem?!

"I have! What's wrong with you!" I hissed grabbing at his arm, he was way too strong to overpower and he had a couple inches on me as well, I definitely feel like the younger brother when I'm not.

"By me I mean all of my friends including Damien, I let it slide with Ramos, but after yesterday's stunt your starting to piss me off"

"I'm not close with Damien! He's just been nice to me that's all, I figured your the reason he was being cool with me" I countered but it was a lie I knew he wouldn't have asked Damien to take it easy on me. He glared deadly and sent a punch right to my gut and I buckled down to the ground, the wind was knocked out of me and I flinched into the fetal position protecting my head Incase he started to kick; it was on instinct ofcourse.

"Stop cowering like an ant; I can't believe you're related to me. Come on snap on me, I want to see you crack again so dad can disown you" He hissed putting his foot on my hands that protected my head. Then gave a swift stomp and I let out a yell; I didn't speak I simply held my head tighter.

"Pussy; Now, I'll say this once, loud and clear. I am the ONLY heir of the Giotto family, I won't let you fuck up what's rightfully mine" he went stepping harder on me and I hissed at the pressure on my skull.

"So quit the chatter with Ramos, I don't care how you do it; same with Damien. Once more and you're little secrets are out, Psychopath " he continued then removed his foot, I didn't move or flinch when he did so, I was scared to move. I heard the door unlock then close signifying he had left.

I didn't cry but I didn't move from my spot right away, I laid there as if frozen. What the hell can I do now, he's gonna snitch if I don't separate myself from them.

I gotta think.


I finally reached the dorm room and fell gently on my bed. My body hurt due to the whooping Craven gave me, I had wanted to skip class badly but it was best to just bite my tongue and get through it.

I ignored Ramos as much as possible and made sure I didn't even look at Damien. I'll have to talk with him about what happened with me and craven, ofcourse leaving some of the grittier details.

I just need to figure out how to convince Ramos to stop talking to me; I could ask him politely but he seems too stupid and nosey to mind his own business. I like him I do; he's a great funny guy but i can't risk it if craven does snitch about me, I'll truly have no friends and even worse they might turn on me.

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