Chapter Fourteen

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I felt happy, it had been weeks since I told Damien I'd be his. We're we moving to fast? I'm not sure and I truly didn't care. I knew that I had been warned about Damien being dangerous but every time I looked at him I forgot about all of it. It was my first time being in love like this, I finally liked somebody who liked me back- I couldn't let this go.

I knew Damien didn't like labels, but he was my boyfriend right? I never thought I'd have an actual boyfriend any time soon. Especially one that looked like... him! Hot sexy and strong as hell; we had done a lot of kissing and making out but I stopped before we got to far. I was still uneasy with going farther then kissing, maybe it was a mental thing which I didn't want to get into but Damien never pressed me even though he looked like he wanted to. I'd seen him get up and leave after a make out session and then come back in after a while and I wondered what the hell he was doing but using my grown man brain I figured he was well... choking the chicken.

I entered my dorm and I saw Damien sitting on my bed looking agitated as hell. Even though he only had two faces, angry and poker face I knew when he was really mad or just sorta mad.

And he seemed really mad.

"Are you okay Damien? You look..." I said slowly as I stepped towards him and placed my hand against his cheek and I saw him visibly relax. He placed his hand over mine and leaned into my palm more.

"I'm trying to break off the engagement, both my father and that bitch is making it difficult" he gritted out and my eyes widened, he's talking about him ending it with his fiancé?! I totally forgot about her, I was to caught up in well about everything else. He already explained the situation to me so I let it go, for no we didn't just have to think about it just yet.

"Your really breaking it off with her?!" I exclaimed with my mouth wide open and he gave me a glare, i rolled my eyes at him and sat next to him removing my hand from his cheek. I was mad about it before, but I understand now- arranged marriages aren't common but it's different with wealthier families especially with what Family Damien is from.

"Do you think our relationship is a joke?" He muttered out and I narrowed my eyes at him, he really is one big giant baby.  He wasn't sensitive to anything unless it came to topics about us.

"No but maybe you should worry about that later, your father must want you to marry her for what, like business reasons? Maybe it's a bit hasty to do anything now" I said looking at him and he didn't look at me, he was probably more mad at them not doing as he had said. Like I've said before he's someone who gets what he wants when he wants it.

Even though arranged marriages are uncommon I learned from Ramos that most of the boys here were in one. Even Craven was in one which I had no idea, boys my age getting engaged to people they don't even know? Its outrageous, but I wasn't raised in that world either so how could I really know what's the norm for them.

"I will crush her family into dust, if it means breaking off this engagement" he growled out and my eyes widened at the hostility and dramatics of it all. Despite it being far fetched he sounded serious about it.

I kissed his cheek and he looked at me like I was out of my mind, I gave him a sheepish smile and was about to say you didn't like it? But he pushed me down and got in between my legs before I could. He kissed me roughly and I put my hands in his hair, even though we had done this a bunch already, it made me embarrassed still so I couldn't help but have my cheeks heat up.

The kissing stopped abruptly when the sound of fireworks went off. They were loud bangs and it sounded like it came from the next room. Damien immediately covered me with his body like he was shielding me from something. Following the shots came yelling and loud screams and I soon realized it wasn't fireworks.

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