Chapter Thirty Three

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It had been a week, and I tried hard to adjust to... living with Damien. It was strange to wake up next to him, even though I wanted my own space he denied  it. I tried to think of it like we were dorm mates again-  but it wasn't the same because now he tried to continuously jump me. It was already messing up my sleep schedule, my brain could barely focus on the goal on hand. I hadn't even established anything with him, we weren't boyfriends- I wasn't ready to call us that.

Other then the romance aspect...getting along with the people in the home wasn't too hard... the staff he had around were nice and the occasional gang member that'd stroll in was nice as well. Rebecca had also appeared once or twice, as if this was a place she could leave all her worries. I hadn't gotten a call from father but angry messages from Craven to get my shit together- Though word spread out that I had been kicked out because Ramos called me in a tizzy wondering why I was ex communicated.

"We had some men drive near the location in the log book, super active with cargo coming in and out. It appears to be a pretty large home at least that's what we saw with the drones." Dimitri said as he swirled his liquor, I nodded moving my pawn on the chess board. Dimitri wasn't half bad, he was good at discussing the task at hand while Damien didn't want me to over work myself. That in itself pissed me off because I was- again not that high schooler anymore.

"We have to get inside, storm the place if we have to. I'm healed enough and with that warehouse being cleared out I'm afraid they've already caught wind that someone suspects somethings up" I said as he moved his own chess piece.

"Not my orders. Damien makes that call" he responded and I continued to move another piece. He wasn't much older then Damien, but enough to where it was a bit odd that he acted like Damien was his elder.

"Why is it that he's in charge and not you?" I questioned, Damien's still young and not as experienced as I imagine this man is.

"I didn't want the job" was all he said and I didn't press any further. He reminded me of a certain someone, if he didn't want to take over there must be a good reason for it.

"Any word about the group 'Separation?'" I asked as I smoothly kicked over his king with my piece and he cursed under his breath.

"No, most reports said that people had no idea or thought it was some sort of rock band" he laughed dryly and we were interrupted by Damien walking in.

"Just got word from the Marrello's that I ordered an attack on them supposedly. Said a couple of my men attacked a drug market they own" he said annoyed and leaned up against the wall.

"This means we should attack now, the more we wait the more damage is done. Soon it'll be too far to stop it." I spoke and he remained quiet as if he was thinking. Damien was too cautious or maybe I'm just too hot blooded. Now that I'm kicked out of the family I'm nervous, I want too hurry up and fix things before it's too late.

"I agree with the Giotto, it's best to start our attack now" said Dimitri and Damien raised his hand as to silence him. The way Damien treated others was vividly different then how he treated me.

"Then we'll go, but Onyx stays here" he said and I stood upright in protest. My leg had healed and despite the stinging feeling I felt I was ready enough to fight, to help out.

"I'll follow you regardless, you won't keep me here. So you either include me or it'll end up just like before, and it'll be worse then a bullet to my thigh" I threatened and Damien glared at me. He was fighting with himself, he wanted to shelter me from the violence but I've been apart of it for years. I don't need protecting.

"You'll stick close with me. We'll talk about an infantry plan later, Onyx come with me" he said and held a hand out for me to grab. I ignored it and got up by myself, he still took my hand anyways, tugging me away from Dimitri.

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