Chapter Five

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"Hey the hell did you say to Damien?" Ramos asked me smacking me on the back, I stumbled a bit but caught myself and looked at him with a glare, not like he could see with my bangs obscuring them.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused, we were on our way to our last class; I hadn't seen Ramos since lunch.

"Well you didn't see at lunch because you were being a loner somewhere; but he punched me right in the stomach, in front of everyone!" He hissed his hand placed on his stomach, as if it was still sore. He lifted up his shirt and behold there was a bright red spot directly on his well defined abs.

"Damn he got you bad- wait what does that have to do with me?" I asked accusingly, he said it himself Damiens a ticking time bomb. Maybe his annoying laughed ticked Damien off so he shut him up.

"Cuz Damien told me if I talks shit about him to you again I'll be dead" he explained and my eyes furrowed, he's got to be joking? I only spoke to Damien for 5 minutes yesterday at the showers, and I didn't even mention Ramos by name, Damien did but I didn't!

"Only thing I said to him was that I was worried he'd knock me out, because a friend told me he gets irritated easily; that's literally all I said" I explained confused, that got Damien mad? And why at Ramos and not at me?

"Doesn't matter what you say to him, he gets ticked off by anything. I have no clue why he hasn't given you a good punch too, it isn't fair" he groaned, and I gave him a snort. Ramos didn't seem to take it seriously but I won't mention him to Damien again, though I don't think I'll ever an actual convo with him again.

"Trust me I've been waiting for it. Maybe he's waiting to jump me at the perfect moment" I tried to reason. Damien won't punch me but he'll sucker punch a friend? It's weird. Maybe Craven told him to leave me alone, but I highly doubt that's the case.

"Yea well lucky we're on good terms because if I was a nobody I would've been in the ER" he sighed and I patted him on the back hard. Making him hunch over and groan, in return he tried to trip me.

"Fuck you" he said but laughed and trapped my head in headlock. Our laughing was obnoxious, and made us unaware of who was walking towards us.

"Your arm, take it off" a deep voice sounded, and I blinked when Ramos released my head instantly. I raised my face quickly and saw Damien standing before us in all his glory. He glared down at us, making me realize just how truly intimidating he was, how fucking tall is this dude?

"Uh sorry Damien; we were just playing around" Ramos apologized obviously trying not to get punched again and stepped out of his way, but I didn't. Maybe it was the weird treatment I got from Damien that I felt impervious from any hit he'd throw my way.

"We were just horsing around, don't be a dick" I said annoyed, the hallway went quiet, and I just like that I saw my life flash before my eyes. I'm dead, oh my god I'm dead.

Damiens eyes bore into mine, anger ranging within them. His hand came out and grabbed my neck, but not hard he just lightly grabbed my skin. Though it didn't soften my fear and my sudden trembling body, I lowered my eyes to his hand. Ramos from the corner of my eye paled in color knowing he couldn't do shit to save me from the ass beating I about to get.

I closed my eyes immediately when I felt his hand move; bracing for impact. I waited seconds which felt like minutes. I felt someone brush against my shoulder, still I didn't move until I felt a grasp on my shoulder and heard Ramos's loud whisper.

"How the fuck did you get out of that?!" He asked me and me eyes snapped open to look at him, just as surprised. I didn't respond and looked behind me  to see Damiens retreating form.

"I have... no idea" I whispered breathlessly, realizing I had been holding in a breath.

Going back to my dorm had me terrified for my life. I knew Damien wouldn't be there, he had practice like Ramos did, But he'd be there eventually. I should apologize to him about earlier when I see him. Just in case he's saving a ass beating for me.

I quick walked to the dorm, trying to pass the field as quickly as possible. Ramos yelled a hey to me, but I pretended not to hear. I saw Damien on the field as well from the corner of my eyes, at least I'll have a bit of solace.

Entering my room gave me a sweet breath of release. I face planted in my bed curling up into the covers, knowing I should do the homework I was assigned instead of napping.

I'm gonna need all my energy for when I talk to Damien.

I was woken up by the door, I didn't bolt up; I just slowly Opened my eyes and looked at who was in the room. Of course it was Damien who was once again shirtless and showing off his well defined body. He didn't spare me a glance and sat on his own, he must like his own damn stink seeing as he waits to shower after practice, though oddly he didn't smell that bad at least from over here.

I was relieved by him sitting down rather then looming over me menacingly; it was a good sign that he wasn't thinking of pummeling my ass.

I sat up, rubbing my shoulder with unease. He didn't glance my way, only at his phone; he does a damn good job at making people feel invisible.

"About earlier... I'm sorry about that, I was rude" I apologized, cris crossing on my bed facing him. He didn't look at me, I realized he had a habit of pretending he couldn't hear anybody. I was gonna lay back down, with a sigh of defeat but he finally spoke.

"It's fine." He murmured, and I sat up even straighter surprised he spoke and he said that of all things. Am I just incredibly lucky? Silence fell again, and I just stared him; wondering if I should try and speak more to him.

"You know.. we should start over. Hello I'm Onyx" I said trying to joke with him, a awkward smile on my face. Does he even remember my name? We share classes together and I've told him when we first met but I doubt he pays close attention.

"I know." He quipped and I gave an uneasy laugh, of course he does maybe I'm the idiot.

"My name. You know mine?" He asked right after still not looking my way, I blinked at him. Of course I know his name, it's hard not to know. Damien this Damien that, hes always the main topic of everyones conversation.

"Of course, Damien. It's kinda impossible not to know your name" I said with a honest chuckle, and he glanced my way for a second, and I swear I saw a ghost of a smile grace his lips.

"Good" he finished going back to looking at his phone.

Ok break from updating chapters!! Gonna work on a few later and hopefully post them within the next few days.

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