Chapter Twenty Six

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I arrived at the hotel. I was filled with emotions, Damien was playing me I know it. I was anxious, what if I walked in and it was a trap; what if he ends up killing me here. Deep down I felt like he wouldn't but over these years I've seen unthinkable things- I'm not that naive kid anymore.

Regardless I had to confront him, and deep down I wanted to see him again despite it all. I walked into the fancy hotel and went to the clerk. I asked her for the room name and it was given to me no questions asked.

I went on the elevator and put in the room number. I got off and walked down the halls looking for the room I found it and opened the door. I was afraid to find him there, a small hope inside me wished that it would be empty and I would just go back home. But there he was sitting, all dressed up as if he was waiting on me like it was a date. I stepped in and shut the door behind me, my words were stuck in my mouth and I wanted to yell at him. I knew I wanted to accuse him of killing my men but at the same time I just wanted to forget any of that stuff existed and speak to him like it was old times.

"You came" he said and stood up. I scoffed and walked up to him.

"Yeah I came we have stuff to talk about" I barked at him, our chests almost touching. He still was taller then me, taller then he was before but so was I- still shy a couple inches compared to him.

"I was afraid you'd chicken out" he said and his hand went to touch my cheek. I slapped it away, his calm demeanor pissed me off. This was a meeting between family's not a time to reminisce.

"I'm not here to make up, your people are stealing from my family- shooting our men. From what I know your the only one giving out orders" I challenged him and he looked at the hand I swatted away and clenched his fist.

"I do give out the orders. But what's happening to you isn't being done by my people"

"Then who's? Who else is named Arif?" I seethed, if not him then who? He stepped back from me and placed his hand on a laptop that sat on the dresser, he flipped it open and started to open up files.

"What could you possibly show me?" I said suspicious, the files we're labeled interrogation and there was multiple with different people. It seemed he made sure there statement's were being recorded.

"Last week a gambling den I own was attacked by a group of men. Most of the attackers were killed in the fight but we saved one for interrogation" he responded and clicked on a video; it showed a interrogation room and a man.

He was tied up and Damien stood before him. Another man was behind Damien someone I didn't recognize but had a slight resemblance to him.

Damien played the video and I hesitantly leaned in to watch.

"Who ordered that hit on us" Damien asked, his voice stoic but terrifying all the same.

"Listen- I'll tell you if you let me live ok; I'm a newer recruit I don't have any loyalty to them!" He tried to bargain.

"Them?" He questioned.

"The Genieves! They've been talking about putting more and more hits on you guys; I swear it!" The man tried to reason.

My eyes widened. The Genieves attacked the Arifs? That's Ramos's family, his father is allied with us but he's a smaller group- keeps to themselves they never had an issue with any group.

"I highly doubt Ramos's dad would order a hit on you guys" I said defensively and Damien side eyed me.

"I know" he replied and it ticked me off, mister know it all.

"The Genieves? Always thought you guys were about peace and love" Damien responded but didn't seem  comical in the slightest.

"Listen I'll put that behind me-"

"The youngest of the Genieve family. What's his name?" Damien asked, and the mans eyes went wide.

"Uh.... Roco ! He's the one that gave me the orders!" He continued his lie.

Even I flinched at the lie, all that confidence just to drop the ball. Ramos's doesn't even touch anything mafia related, for him to order a hit is absurd.

"That's all I needed to know" he continued and pulled up his gun and the video ended.

My eyes blinked and I looked at him. I didn't understand the video, was somebody trying to frame the Genieves?

"So what, are you telling me that someone's going around pretending to be the Genieves?" I asked seriously. This could be troublesome, if there is someone out there blaming familys it's going to cause a bigger riff then what we already have.

"Not just them, other gangs as well. I've had issues like this with other gangs in the past two years. Allied gangs suddenly turning on me- always a man letting themselves be caught. Feeding lies to create riffs between one another- to fuel a fire" he explained and closed his laptop. It made me remember the man from before, the one I captured who sold off intel, told me it was an Arif.

"I haven't had enough proof, and I still don't. There's someone pulling the strings for all of this and I'll be damned if I let them fool around with me" he growled out in anger. His veins on his neck popping out- he looked hot when he was mad.

"Lets say I believe you, why are you telling me this?" I asked seriously.

"Because I need you, your the only one I can trust to help me with this. I don't care who's family your apart of, but if we can figure out who's behind it we can mend our families" he loosened his tie as if he was hot but looked like he was ready to devour me. I stopped feeling safe and my stomach bubbled.

"Mend? You mean form an alliance? What if your lying to me, what if your puling my leg to let my guard down." I challenged him.

"Then I'll let you kill me. I'll die to prove this to you" he said stepping towards me and I stepped back- afraid.

"But why now- after all these years"

"I was angry that you chose your family over me, my fathers death; I still linked to your father. I couldn't In good faith try to be with you and for a little while I tried to forget you." He said as we continued our pattern of him moving forward and me backing up before my legs hit the bed.

"You should've forgotten me" I said bitterly, my senses tingling as I was anticipating his touch on my skin.

"How could I? I wanted you safe, but I've heard you've become a strong leader within your family- strong enough to help me; enough to where I don't need to worry if blood is pumping through your veins" he said softly placing his hand on my face, this time I let him, leaning into his touch.

"Your a lot more charming then you used to be" I said with a sad smile and his lips crashed into mine as we found ourselves on the bed.

Get ready for the next chapter because well-

It's a little bit spicy if you catch my drift 😏

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