Chapter Twenty Five

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I returned home and immediately went to my father; he was in a rather happy mood. Despite what's been going on lately, with the family business, he's seemed happier then ever. I questioned if maybe he's formed dementia, something of the like.

"Onyx, Craven told me you went out with a friend. Did you enjoy yourself?" He asked, and I shook my head. Usually he's not this interested when I go out, he thinks any type of entertainment is a waste of time.

"No. Father did you get the report about the Arifs robbing our envoy?" I asked and he nodded, I looked at him confused.

"I'd think you'd be more upset with another interference from an Arif?" I asked suspiciously, usually when he gets wind of another Arif involvement he tells me to do better, so I'm surprised by this reaction.

"On any other occasion ofcourse but The Betroni family has decided to work with us; a family who's been isolated from gang alliances. The Arifs are digging themselves an early grave!" He said with a laugh and slapped his knee, he stood up and patted my shoulder.

"So no worries my dear son, now is there anything else you'd like to discuss?" He asked and my mind reeled back to my meeting with Damien. I should tell my father I met with him, and that he wants to meet up.

"Yes actually" I continued, should I really tell him? Maybe this is something I should deal with on my own...

"Go ahead son"

"Ramos is interested in training under you" I lied and he burst out laughing.

"That's a good joke son, that boy doesn't even know what a job is let alone wants to train under me"

"Think about it, I'm sure his father would appreciate it" I joked along and he chuckled leaving the office and I let out a breath.

Why didn't I tell him?

I left the office and headed to the family room, somebody stopped me before I entered. A hand placed on my shoulder my eyes flickered to the individual.

"I'd be careful, Cravens drinking up a storm" it was one of my fathers closest men, someone he may trust more then his own sons. His name is Dolce, an older man- one that creeped me out. Something reeked from him, untrustworthy I always thought.

"Thanks for the heads up, aren't you supposed to be off somewhere... doing work" I clicked my tongue eyeing him. He eyed me and we held a small staring contest before he slipped passed me and back into the hall.

I brushed off our meeting and continued into the family room; there Craven sat at the minibar drinking a few shots.

"Why did you tell Ramos where I was" I asked him annoyed, I knew why but still it agitated me. He looked at me lazily and took down another shot.

"Well he asked me, he seemed really keen on meeting up with you" was all he said and I sighed. Ramos set it up all from the start.

"Why are you drinking so much, are you celebrating too?" I asked thinking's about how happy father was.

"No, father has me negotiating with fucking farmers in some hick town about land. So while I'm a way doing that the Arifs are landing blow after blow" he growled upset, again my brother wasn't too keen on the whole politics part of the job.

"Yea I learned the Arifs hijacked that convoy we were investigating" I told him and he poured me a glass and shoved it into my chest. I took it but I decided I was done with drinks for the night.

"Yea well while you were out, there was a shoot out at one of our hang outs; a couple men died." He told me and my eyes widened.

"J-just now?! Why didn't father tell me?" I was in shock.

"Because he doesn't know. The report came to me and it's going to stay with us. Father doesn't need the extra stress" Craven mumbled and to me it sounded like he wanted to solve this problem so dad could give him a pat on the back.

"Was it the Arifs?" I asked hesitantly, if it was then that means while I was chatting with THE Damien Arif, he had his men shoot up one of my locations?

"Seeing as a huge fucking A was spray painted on the walls where the bodies were I'm going to assume yes." He snapped, I clenched my fists in anger, my stomach churned with disgust.  It couldn't be, was it really on Damien's orders or someone else?

"At this point it calls for an all out war, we have to fix this some how" I responded and he faced me a wicked look. I wanted to prevent an actual war with the Arifs, I tried feverishly to keep my men off enemy territory and lay low. Now we were creating alliances and getting  stronger but so was the Arif family, it's going to be all out blood shed.

"If you had to kill Damien would you?" He asked suddenly placing his glass down.

My eyes went wide, and I became stifled. We skirted around the fact that Damien was the leader and my connection to him, tried to pretend it never happened. So coming to terms with it now.... It's scary.

I couldn't respond and put the glass down.

"We'll talk about this to tomorrow" I responded.

"You can't run from it forever"

I ignored him and headed towards my room in silence.

Short chapter sorry guys! I wonder why Damien's starting up trouble? Or maybe it's someone else...

I hope your enjoying this cliche book! I know some of it seems a bit far fetched but I'm not to realistic when it comes to writing ^^;

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