Chapter Forty

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8 years later

"Papa is Uncle going to be here soon" said the young girl with black pigtails. She had similarities to her grandfather which was already a worrying sign to her father.

"Soon, go see if your grandmother needs help with mama" her father said as he pulled out the turkey. It was thanksgiving and it was on this day that he would be seeing his older brother, they both agreed on one holiday to see each other.

He watched his daughter speed off into the other room to go see if they needed help. He smiled softly as he brought the cooked food to the dining table, he was happy even though times were currently tough.

His eyes flickered to his wife as she was wheeled in by her mother. She smiled fondly at him and he did the same, she was diagnosed with cancer a couple years back and now was in stage four. Some days she was better and some days worse. Today she was feeling ok.

He smiled at them and at his beautiful wife who was dressed in a striking dress. He came over to her and kissed her on the lips, In which their daughter yelled out 'EWWWW'.

"Oh stop that now lets hurry up sit and eat" the grandmother said in an annoyed voice. Even though she didn't do any of the work she still was being a pain in the ass. The beauty of in-laws.

"But uncle isn't here yet!!" The little girl cried.

"Ruby he'll be here soon" the mother said trying to soothe her. Ruby huffed and sat in a chair but looked rather unhappy.

"I don't like that man, him and his... friend. It's impossible to think you two are even related" the grandmother cursed.

"My brother is a great man, I'm sure if you spent time with him you'd like him too" he replied, like hell she would but it was a lie he'd keep telling her.

A knock was heard at the door and he rushed over to open it, his daughter jumping off the chair to be right behind him so she could see who was at the door.

"Craven!" Yelled the man in the door way and they hugged.

"Onyx! Your late" he said irritated into his brothers ear. Craven was always soft spoken and very homely with his family but his old arrogant ways flared up when his brother was around.

Behind onyx was a tall threatening man, who didn't look happy or angry about being there. His facial expression was just- blank.

"Hello Damien" craven said and Damien gave him a nod. Both the men had aged but not by much. They would've made great bachelors, too bad they've been married for 8 years.

The men walked into the house and onyx stopped when his niece jumped in-front of him waiting to be picked up. Onyx gladly did so and threw her into the air and caught her.

"Little Ruby you've grown so much!" Onyx said with a grin, and she smiled back at him.

"Your late! Uncle Onyx. Uncle Damien too!" She scolded and he laughed at her.

"I'm sorry, Ladies did we keep you waiting" he said turning to Cravens wife and mother in law. Onyx assessed his wife's current state, she wasn't in a wheelchair last he saw her.

"No worries onyx, I just got finished getting ready myself" Cravens wife said and he nodded as they all sat down. Ruby made sure she sat between onyx and Damien.

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