Chapter Twenty Two

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TW warning: violence

I breathed in the cigarette and then dropped it on the ground crushing it with my boot. My eyes glanced down at the tied up- bloodied man; I raised the metal bat in my hand and gently scraped it against his thigh.

"You know, debt is one thing. You owe 60k to us, not a big deal- we let you work as a grunt to repay us back." I said as I raised the bat up and let it tap the mans cheek. He whimpered as his mouth was gagged by cloth.

"But that was generosity wasted. You sold precious intel, and thought you could just leave town? Because of you we lost a import." I said annoyed, thinking about how I had to clean up that mess; two men dead and a truck full of guns we paid for- gone.

He made muffled noises as if trying to plead. All I did was shake my head, disappointed. He must've thought he was clever, nobody would figure out it was him he thought. But seeing as he was supposed to be at the drop off point and coincidentally had booked a flight to America the next day- it wasn't hard to connect the dots.

"You must've thought hey! Here's my lucky break, but we have eyes and ears everywhere. Within the police, within an airport- you thought you could screw us?" I questioned and pulled the mouth piece from him.

"I-I'm sorry, really- what can I do to- I'll make it right Please!" He begged, a grown man weeping with snot and tears covering his face. What a low point to have reached.

"Tell me who it was, and I'll let you free." I said with a smile, you see I've been known to be a bit lenient. Not as ruthless as my father- not as soft as my brother.

"Yea! Of course- it was an Arif; they've been scouting out local clubs for info- Hey I always thought you were better fit then your bro-" the man tried to spout praises to somehow sway me but I already swung the metal bat; clocking him in the face. I heard a snap and so I swung again, it landing a blow to the back of his head his body went limp.

I was thinking of letting him live, but an Arif? A fucking Arif- I was angry- enraged. The name set me off; it carried too much baggage that had accumulated in the past 5 years.

"Get rid of him" was all I said before my lackey's covered him up with a garbage bag. I need another smoke after this.

"Onyx!" Came my name and I whipped my head over to see a familiar face, Ramos. He was taller now, longer hair and stubble on his face; he wasn't very dedicated to his work with his family and would rather hop from bar to bar. He found out I was a Giotto right after high-school- he was surprised and bit mad I kept it a secret but he got over it.

"Why are you here" I said stepping out from the abandoned marina, you could see right in from the outside; but nobody came here and it had become one of many places we took people for a little... TLC.

"Getting you out of work. Craven told me you'd be here" he said leaning against his car, I rubbed the back of my neck; annoyed. Craven didn't want me as involved as I was, still after all these years. I caught on fast and at first was adverse to the idea of beating up and even killing people- I got over it.

"Of course he did. Anything to meddle in my affairs- you know that hijacked convoy from last week? It was the fucking Arifs" I growled out, it made my skin break out that they were fucking up our operations.

"Calm down man, your family isn't the only ones Damien's been messing with" Ramos responded and I cringed at the name. After graduation Damien was appointed head of the Arif family, due to the death of his father the neutral pact the main family's had formed broke. Some families sided with us, others with Arif.

Damien never reached out to me again, no matter how hard I tried in the beginning. What followed was the bombardment of aggression from the Arifs. Men dead, territory stolen- multiple hits had been put on my father and Craven. We were at all out war, and Damien was too blame, I just became another enemy to him.

"Don't mention him. Just- let's get out of here" I muttered and he slapped the top of his car and gave a woohoo! I yelled to one of my men and told them to head home after they were done.

We got into his car and I slumped against the seat, over these 5 years I became infused in my work, I was fueled to help my father keep his empire a drift and he trusted me. I was given control of trade routes and dealing with the larger messes, my brother dealt with the more diplomatic stuff, he was to be the next Don.

"So where are we going" I asked , maybe it'll be good for me to loosen up. It's just the thought of the Arifs getting an upper hand burnt too brightly in my chest to think about anything else.

"The Age of Eden club! It's that new club that rose in popularity" he told me and I gave him a stern look.

"That club is neutral, every gang member in 100km will be there." I don't want to go drinking next to an Arif. We own tons of good clubs, why there?

"Yea but they have a strict no discussing gangs policy! They've got tons of hot people there- you should get yourself laid. I'm sure there's a gay guy willing to party with you" Ramos told me, bringing up the gay part a bit too awkwardly. I should have never told him.

"I'm not interested in any thing like that, but fine- if I start a fight your finishing it" I told him seriously, besides a few fruitless flings I've never gotten over Damien. Nobody could match him, what I felt with Damien I never felt again.

"Hey you fight better then me I don't think it's fair" he retorted and I laughed, but it was hard to sound happy.

My life was different now... and sometimes I wished of how nice it would be to be back in my senior year.  Before everything hit the fan.

Hey... wasn't going to do an update so soon but I'm excited to get this second act on a role!

From here on out there will be violence and sexual themes so please be warned! No filter here anymore.

Thanks again for reading! I really appreciate it guys!

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