Chapter Thirty Nine

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The IV drip annoyed the shit out of me. I wanted to rip it out of my arm as I grew increasingly bored. I had the bullet removed and was patched up- Damien was kicked out of the room as they had to run tests and the like. It had been hours since this morning; it was night now.

I was finally understanding of the reality that had transpired. The Giotto family was currently in crumbles with my father dead, and I had caused it. He would have to be replaced and my brother was the one to replace him. The other family members would catch wind of what happened but I'll deal with that when it happens.

My head turned to the side to see Craven walking in, he had cleaned himself up since the couple hours I'd seen him. He looked stressed and nervous, unsure of what to say and what actions to take.

"Why did you kill him" he asked me as he sat down. I turned my head forward to look away, of course he wouldn't understand.

"I did what had to be done" I responded and he cursed. Truth was I didn't need to do it, I could've spared him in the end. I was just angry, all the shit he put us through, if we kept him alive he would've just gone on to messing something else up.

"But he was our father" he looked sad, I knew he loved him. It was too late now though, what's done is done.

"I know" was all I could say and silence fell upon us, it was an uncomfortable tension. We still aren't at the point we can talking about our daddy issues I suppose.

"Well this makes shit a hell of a lot harder" he grumbled and I laughed weakly. 

"You know now you can take over the family. Just like you've always wanted to do" I said seriously and he went quiet. I beleive my brother could lead the Giotto family well, maybe not as well as father but well enough.

"I don't want it" he mumbled and I looked at him surprised.

"What? You've been threatening me for years over this position" I retorted annoyed.

"You said it yourself, I want to be normal. I want to be just me, I want to be Craven- not a Giotto" he said seriously and now I was in a bit of a pickle. I really only said all that stuff so he could help me beat up dad.

I guess good for...him. I am happy he's finally moving on.

"So what are you going to do if not be in the mafia?" I asked jokingly.

"I want to ho back to the country, I have someone waiting for me"

"So you do have a girl!" I teased.

"Shut up. Forget about that, what about you?" He snapped embarrassed.

"What about me?"

"You should take over the Giottos"

It went dead silent and I was in shock, me? Take over the family? I always thought about that possibility, but would I even be good at leading a group? After craven I was next to take over, I was given training for it and shown the ropes. I couldn't say anything, I had to think about it first.

I heard a click of the door and our heads whipped to see Damien. He stood there with flowers, it was so out of place it was almost comical to look at. Craven took his entrance as his cue to get up and leave, passing him quickly to get through the door.

I wonder if Damien heard any of that discussion?

He walked towards me and sat in the same spot craven was just in and placed the flowers on my stomach. I picked them up, looking at them closely.


"So will you?" He asked stone faced, and i heavy sighed.

"I will" I replied making my decision.

"I don't want to see you hurt anymore" he said in a very strained voice, reaching out to hold my hand. He held my fingertips tight, and his eyes stared at my shoulder as I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

I couldn't speak, was Damien crying for me? It wasn't like I thought he couldn't cry- I just never get to see him so vulnerable. Now I felt emotional, I had stopped crying along time ago but to see him shed a tear for me. I couldn't help that my eyes watered.

"I'm ok. I told you I'd be ok. Look we're here together." I told him with a shaky voice, we locked eyes and he brought my hand to his mouth to kiss my fingertips.

"We should permanently be together" he said against my skin and I was confused by his words.

"How..?" I asked dumbly. Sound like he's suggesting a lovers suicide.

"We should merge the families" he told me, again his face was dead serious that it almost scared me. He's talking about an alliance right? A treaty between families.

"That almost sounds like a marriage proposal" I joked and his facial expression did not change.

"That's what I'm saying" he replied.

"Damien don't joke-"

"I want us to be married. I want you to be mine, till the day I die" he told me with such passion I had to look away. My face was flushed, it was embarrassing to be proposed to. Damien didn't really pick the setting for it, but it didn't matter.

"E-even if I say yes. getting married for us isn't on the table" I stuttered. If we were to get married, we'd lose any position we had. There's always someone to replace my fathers place, it doesn't have to me just as it doesn't have to be Damien for his family.

"We'll find a way. Don't think about that now, just think about us." He said and leaned into kiss my lips, I kissed him back as tears fell.

"I think the only thing I can think of is you" I said when our lips parted.

We can finally begin to restore what my father had destroyed. It was the end of my fathers reign.

But the beginning of ours. Together.

Well that's a wrap! I hope you've enjoyed reading Onyx Blues!

I want to thank everyone who's read to the end! I never thought I'd get to finish this book but I'm glad I did.

All that's left is one more chapter for the epilogue!

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